Tutorial by Examples

Opening with the default browser This example shows how you can open a URL programmatically in the built-in web browser rather than within your application. This allows your app to open up a webpage without the need to include the INTERNET permission in your manifest file. public void onBrowseCli...
All Javadoc comments begin with a block comment followed by an asterisk (/**) and end when the block comment does (*/). Optionally, each line can begin with arbitrary whitespace and a single asterisk; these are ignored when the documentation files are generated. /** * Fields can be documented as ...
You can get the value of other primitive data types as a String using one the String class's valueOf methods. For example: int i = 42; String string = String.valueOf(i); //string now equals "42”. This method is also overloaded for other datatypes, such as float, double, boolean, and ...
Executors accept a java.lang.Runnable which contains (potentially computationally or otherwise long-running or heavy) code to be run in another Thread. Usage would be: Executor exec = anExecutor; exec.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { //offloaded work, no need t...
A common Executor used is the ThreadPoolExecutor, which takes care of Thread handling. You can configure the minimal amount of Threads the executor always has to maintain when there's not much to do (it's called core size) and a maximal Thread size to which the Pool can grow, if there is more work t...
If your computation produces some return value which later is required, a simple Runnable task isn't sufficient. For such cases you can use ExecutorService.submit(Callable<T>) which returns a value after execution completes. The Service will return a Future which you can use to retrieve the r...
The ScheduledExecutorService class provides a methods for scheduling single or repeated tasks in a number of ways. The following code sample assume that pool has been declared and initialized as follows: ScheduledExecutorService pool = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(2); In addition to the nor...
Java SE 5 It is possible to create package-level documentation in Javadocs using a file called package-info.java. This file must be formatted as below. Leading whitespace and asterisks optional, typically present in each line for formatting reason /** * Package documentation goes here; any docu...
Maps provide methods which let you access the keys, values, or key-value pairs of the map as collections. You can iterate through these collections. Given the following map for example: Map<String, Integer> repMap = new HashMap<>(); repMap.put("Jon Skeet", 927_654); repMap.p...
The toString() method is used to create a String representation of an object by using the object´s content. This method should be overridden when writing your class. toString() is called implicitly when an object is concatenated to a string as in "hello " + anObject. Consider the followin...
String str = "My String"; System.out.println(str.charAt(0)); // "M" System.out.println(str.charAt(1)); // "y" System.out.println(str.charAt(2)); // " " System.out.println(str.charAt(str.length-1)); // Last character "g" To get the nth charac...
TL;DR == tests for reference equality (whether they are the same object) .equals() tests for value equality (whether they are logically "equal") equals() is a method used to compare two objects for equality. The default implementation of the equals() method in the Object class returns...
import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement; @XmlRootElement public class User { private long userID; private String name; // getters and setters } By using the annotation XMLRootElement, we can mark a class as a root element of an XML file. import java.io.File; ...
To read an XML file named UserDetails.xml with the below content <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <user> <name>Jon Skeet</name> <userID>8884321</userID> </user> We need a POJO class named U...
Arrays are objects which provide space to store up to its size of elements of specified type. An array's size can not be modified after the array is created. int[] arr1 = new int[0]; int[] arr2 = new int[2]; int[] arr3 = new int[]{1, 2, 3, 4}; int[] arr4 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; int len1 = ar...
A primitive data type such as int holds values directly into the variable that is using it, meanwhile a variable that was declared using Integer holds a reference to the value. According to java API: "The Integer class wraps a value of the primitive type int in an object. An object of type Int...
A short is a 16-bit signed integer. It has a minimum value of -215 (-32,768), and a maximum value of 215 ‑1 (32,767) short example = -48; short myShort = 987; short anotherShort = 17; short addedShorts = (short) (myShort + anotherShort); // 1,004 short subtractedShorts = (short) (myShort - an...
By default, long is a 64-bit signed integer (in Java 8, it can be either signed or unsigned). Signed, it can store a minimum value of -263, and a maximum value of 263 - 1, and unsigned it can store a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 264 - 1 long example = -42; long myLong = 284; long ano...
A boolean can store one of two values, either true or false boolean foo = true; System.out.println("foo = " + foo); // foo = true boolean bar = false; System.out.println("bar = " + bar); // bar = false boolean notFoo = !foo; System.out.prin...
Server: Start, and wait for incoming connections //Open a listening "ServerSocket" on port 1234. ServerSocket serverSocket = new ServerSocket(1234); while (true) { // Wait for a client connection. // Once a client connected, we get a "Socket" object // that c...

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