Tutorial by Examples: 3

// assigning a signed short to its minimum value short s = -32768; // assigning a signed short to its maximum value short s = 32767; // assigning a signed int to its minimum value int i = -2147483648; // assigning a signed int to its maximum value int i = 2147483647; // assigning a s...
// assigning an unsigned short to its minimum value ushort s = 0; // assigning an unsigned short to its maximum value ushort s = 65535; // assigning an unsigned int to its minimum value uint i = 0; // assigning an unsigned int to its maximum value uint i = 4294967295; // assigning an...
Supplying pow() with 3 arguments pow(a, b, c) evaluates the modular exponentiation ab mod c: pow(3, 4, 17) # 13 # equivalent unoptimized expression: 3 ** 4 % 17 # 13 # steps: 3 ** 4 # 81 81 % 17 # 13 For built-in types using modular exponentiation is only possible...
These are all equivalent, the code inside the blocks will run when the document is ready: $(function() { // code }); $().ready(function() { // code }); $(document).ready(function() { // code }); Because these are equivalent the first is the recommended form, the following is a ...
// Java: IntStream.range(1, 4).forEach(System.out::println); // Kotlin: (inclusive range) (1..3).forEach(::println)
Enums have been backported from Python 3.4 to Python 2.4 through Python 3.3. You can get this the enum34 backport from PyPI. pip install enum34 Creation of an enum is identical to how it works in Python 3.4+ from enum import Enum class Color(Enum): red = 1 green = 2 blue = 3 ...
In Python 2, exec is a statement, with special syntax: exec code [in globals[, locals]]. In Python 3 exec is now a function: exec(code, [, globals[, locals]]), and the Python 2 syntax will raise a SyntaxError. As print was changed from statement into a function, a __future__ import was also added. ...
A one-liner that helps granting or revoking vulnerable permissions. granting adb shell pm grant <sample.package.id> android.permission.<PERMISSION_NAME> revoking adb shell pm revoke <sample.package.id> android.permission.<PERMISSION_NAME> Granting all run...
Notation As of jQuery 3.0, only this form is recommended: jQuery(function($) { // Run when document is ready // $ (first argument) will be internal reference to jQuery // Never rely on $ being a reference to jQuery in the global namespace }); All other document-ready handlers are depr...
Although D3 is not specific for handling SVG elements, it is widely used for creating and manipulating complex SVG based data visualizations. D3 provides many powerful methods which helps to create various geometrical SVG structures with ease. It is recommended to understand basic concepts of SVG s...
In Python 3.x all classes are new-style classes; when defining a new class python implicitly makes it inherit from object. As such, specifying object in a class definition is a completely optional: Python 3.x3.0 class X: pass class Y(object): pass Both of these classes now contain object in ...
const int July = 7; const int Feb = 2; int daysInJuly = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(2001, July); Console.WriteLine(daysInJuly); // daysInFeb gets 28 because the year 1998 was not a leap year. int daysInFeb = System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(1998, Feb); Console.WriteLine(daysInFeb); // daysIn...
Add years on the dateTime object: DateTime baseDate = new DateTime(2000, 2, 29); Console.WriteLine("Base Date: {0:d}\n", baseDate); // Show dates of previous fifteen years. for (int ctr = -1; ctr >= -15; ctr--) Console.WriteLine("{0,2} year(s) ago:{1:d}", ...
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; class PInvokeExample { [DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] public static extern uint MessageBox(IntPtr hWnd, String text, String caption, int options); public static void test() { MessageBox(IntPtr.Zero,...
Lambda functions in C++ are syntactic sugar that provide a very concise syntax for writing functors. As such, equivalent functionality can be obtained in C++03 (albeit much more verbose) by converting the lambda function into a functor: // Some dummy types: struct T1 {int dummy;}; struct T2 {int ...
In Python 3 the cmp built-in function was removed, together with the __cmp__ special method. From the documentation: The cmp() function should be treated as gone, and the __cmp__() special method is no longer supported. Use __lt__() for sorting, __eq__() with __hash__(), and other rich compariso...
You must add php to your path environment variable. Follow theses steps : Windows 7 : Right-click on a My Computer icon Click Properties Click Advanced system settings from the left nav Click Advanced tab Click Environment Variables button In the System Variables section, select Path (case-...
When Intel produced the 80386, they upgraded from a 16-bit processor to a 32-bit one. 32-bit processing means two things: both the data being manipulated was 32-bit, and the memory addresses being accessed were 32-bit. To do this, but still remain compatible with their earlier processors, they intro...
append([], Bs, Bs). append([A|As], Bs, [A|Cs]) :- append(As, Bs, Cs). append/3 is one of the most well-known Prolog relations. It defines a relation between three arguments and is true if the third argument is a list that denotes the concatenation of the lists that are specified in the firs...
Supported by IE11+ View Result Use these 3 lines to vertical align practically everything. Just make sure the div/image you apply the code to has a parent with a height. CSS div.vertical { position: relative; top: 50%; transform: translateY(-50%); } HTML <div class="vertica...

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