Tutorial by Examples: activerecord

<?php namespace models; use yii\db\ActiveRecord; use yii\behaviors\TimestampBehavior; class Post extends ActiveRecord { public static function tableName() { return 'post'; } public function rules() { ...
If you want to mock AR that doesn't try to connect to database you can do it in the following way (if using PHPUnit): $post = $this->getMockBuilder('\app\model\Post') ->setMethods(['save', 'attributes']) ->getMock(); $post->method('save')->willReturn(true); $post->meth...
If you need an ActiveRecord method to raise an exception instead of a false value in case of failure, you can add ! to them. This is very important. As some exceptions/failures are hard to catch if you don't use ! on them. I recommended doing this in your development cycle to write all your ActiveRe...
If you need to search an ActiveRecord model for similar values, you might be tempted to use LIKE or ILIKE but this isn't portable between database engines. Similarly, resorting to always downcasing or upcasing can create performance issues. You can use ActiveRecord's underlying Arel matches method...
You can rescue a RecordNotFound exception with a redirect instead of showing an error page: class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base # your other stuff rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound do |exception| redirect_to root_path, 404, alert: I18n.t("errors.record...
globalize gem is a great solution to add translations to your ActiveRecord models. You can install it adding this to your Gemfile: gem 'globalize', '~> 5.0.0' If you're using Rails 5 you will also need to add activemodel-serializers-xml gem 'activemodel-serializers-xml' Model translations...
# application.rb config.time_zone = 'Eastern Time (US & Canada)' config.active_record.default_timezone = :local
Though the transaction class method is called on some ActiveRecord class, the objects within the transaction block need not all be instances of that class. This is because transactions are per-database connection, not per-model. In this example a balance record is transactionally saved even though ...
Example: Customers who can create a post. Each customer can create multiple posts. As soon as customer creates the post, post will be under administrators review. Now we have to fetch the customers list who have all active posts by using sub-query. Note: If a customer has 5 post, among 5 posts if h...
Active Record Transactions can be applied to Model classes as well as Model instances, the objects within the transaction block need not all be instances of same class. This is because transactions are per-database connection, not per-model. For example: User.transaction do account.save! prof...

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