Tutorial by Examples: al

This example shows how you can install and run WSO2 API Manager in your machine. For this example API Manager 2.1.0 version is used. You can install WSO2 API Manager in two ways. Download the API Manager product from product website. Checkout the source code from GitHub, build the source code ...
Steps: Create Empty .Net Core Web App: Go to wwwroot, and create a normal html page called Index.html: Configure Startup.cs to accept static files (this will require to add "Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles": "1.0.0" library in the “project.json” file): ...
After spending more than 5 hours, i found this easy solution: -To verify that the system has a CUDA-capable GPU, run the following command: lspci | grep -i NVIDIA You will see output similar to the following example (showing an NVIDIA Tesla K80/M60 card): -Disabling the nouveau driver: sudo...
CSS properties which add visual decorations but are not supported can be replaced with image tag. For example: border-radius is not supported in Yahoo! Mail, Outlook 2007/10/13 +, Outlook 03/Express/Mail & Android 4 (Gmail) + To work around this we can add images with border radius in them i.e...
Calling C code from Go package main /* // Everything in comments above the import "C" is C code and will be compiles with the GCC. // Make sure you have a GCC installed. int addInC(int a, int b) { return a + b; } */ import "C" import "fmt" func ma...
Value types simply contain a value. All value types are derived from the System.ValueType class, and this includes most of the built in types. When creating a new value type, the an area of memory called the stack is used. The stack will grow accordingly, by the size the declared type. So for exa...
Install Xcode from the App Store. Install the Xcode developer tools > xcode-select --install This will provide basic command line tools such as gcc and make Install Mac Ports https://www.macports.org/install.php The OSX Sierra install package will provide an open-source method of ...
Initializing a record with mutable fields isn't different from a regular record initialization. let john = { name = "John"; weight = 115 };;
To assign a new value to a mutable record field, use the <- operator. john.weight <- 120;; Note: The previous expression has a unit type.
On the machine where you'd like to make the backup, jump to the Redis CLI: redis-cli Password? If your master Redis DB (the one you want to replicate) has a password: config set masterauth <password> Start replication Run the following to begin replication: SLAVEOF <host> <...
/* creates a database for Alfresco, on SQLServer 2008- 2014 */ use master; GO CREATE DATABASE alfresco; GO /* creates a new LOGIN and associated User use alfresco; GO CREATE LOGIN alfresco WITH PASSWORD = 'alfresco'; GO use alfresco; go CREATE USER alfresco FOR LOGIN alfresco; GO ...
A simple way to catch unhandled errors (exceptions) in a VFP application is to use the ON ERROR command near the beginning of your main program. The following ON ERROR command calls a method in the current program called "errorHandler". The values returned by ERROR (the VFP Error Number),...
More information needed. A cryptographic hash function is a member of a class of functions with three vital properties; consistency, uniqueness, and irreversibility. Consistency: Given the same data, a hash function will always return the same value. That is, if X = Y, f(x) will always equal f(y) ...
GTKWave is a fully feature graphical viewing package that supports several graphical data storage standards, but it also happens to support VCD, which is the format that vvp will output. So, to pick up GTKWave, you have a couple options Goto http://gtkwave.sourceforge.net/gtkwave.zip and downloa...
This example uses Icarus and GTKWave. Installation instructions for those tools on OSx are provided elsewhere on this page. Lets begin with the module design. This module is a BCD to 7 segment display. I have coded the design in an obtuse way simply to give us something that is easily broken and...
A Java 8 compatibility kit for Scala. Most examples are copied from Readme Converters between scala.FunctionN and java.util.function import java.util.function._ import scala.compat.java8.FunctionConverters._ val foo: Int => Boolean = i => i > 7 def testBig(ip: IntPredicate) = ip.tes...
Grab installer from http://scons.org/pages/download.html Or try pip installation tool that comes with Python: pip install scons If scons still can't be found after that, make sure that Python Scripts/ folder is added to PATH for your Python installation.
The horizontal layout set up the object inside it horizontally. basic code: #include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QWidget> #include <QHBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); ...
The vertical layout set up the object inside it vertically. #include "mainwindow.h" #include <QApplication> #include <QMainWindow> #include <QWidget> #include <QVBoxLayout> #include <QPushButton> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication...
Detailed instructions on getting blackberry set up or installed.

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