Tutorial by Examples: al

The Roslyn Quoter A tool for converting an sample C# program to syntax tree API calls. The tool itself can be found here. Enhanced source viewer An easy way to view the Roslyn source code can be found here.
Detailed instructions on getting caliburn.micro set up or installed.
# all react callbacks are supported using active-record-like syntax class SomeCallBacks < Hyperloop::Component before_mount do # initialize stuff - replaces normal class initialize method end after_mount do # any access to actual generated dom node, or window behaviors goes ...
Detailed instructions on getting linked-list set up or installed.
Use Redirect to force users to connect to the secure URL. <VirtualHost *:80> ServerName example.com SSLProxyEngine on Redirect permanent / https://secure_example.com/ </VirtualHost> The rest of the configuration can be put in the ssl virtual host (port 443) since ever...
xcrun simctl install booted *.app
Static analysis is the technique in which on checks the code for patterns linked to known bugs. Using this technique is less time consuming than a code review, though, its checks are only limited to those programmed in the tool. Checks can include the incorrect semi-colon behind the if-statement (i...
Include the plugin from a CDN or locally after including jQuery. Then attach the .validate() method to the form in order to initialize the plugin. Within this method you can define your rules, custom messages, and other options. <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudf...
(defrecord Logline [datetime action user id]) (def pattern #"(\d{8}-\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3})\|.*\|(\w*),(\w*),(\d*)") (defn parser [line] (if-let [[_ dt a u i] (re-find pattern line)] (->Logline dt a u i))) Define a sample line : (def sample "20170426-17:20:04...
Detailed instructions on getting facebook-ads-api set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting internet-explorer set up or installed.
QBChatDialog dialog = DialogUtils.buildPrivateDialog("USER_ID of other user"); QBRestChatService.createChatDialog(dialog).performAsync(new QBEntityCallback<QBChatDialog>() { @Override public void onSuccess(QBChatDialog result, Bundle par...
Code to receive Chat dialogs from Quickblox server of Logged in user (Example with listview) private void receiveChatList() { QBRequestGetBuilder requestBuilder = new QBRequestGetBuilder(); requestBuilder.setLimit(100); QBRestChatService.getChatDialogs(null, requestBuilder).performAsync( ...
# install sbt with homebrew (if you didn't) brew install sbt # - create a new scala project # - name your project name when asked like: hello-world sbt new sbt/scala-seed.g8 # go to the new project directory that you named cd hello-world # run sbt to open the sbt shell sbt # run you...
this will accept any type with a method named GetLength that takes nothing and returns an int: ((^a : (static member GetLength : int) ()))
Getting a GA Account: If you don’t have an Analytics account, create one. If you do have an Analytics account, sign in. Both options are available at google.com/analytics Setting up a property in your Analytics account: A property represents your website or app where the data gets aggrega...
Using Select2 in a Bootstrap Modal/PopUp If you are using Bootstrap Modal then be sure that Model tabindex=-1 is removed. $('#targetId').select2({ width: '100%', dropdownParent: $("#myModal") })
<?php // Setting parameters $time = time(); $values = [7, $time, $time]; // Prints "At 3:50:31 PM on Apr 19, 2015, there was a disturbance on planet 7." $pattern = "At {1, time} on {1, date}, there was a disturbance on planet {0, number}."; $formatter = new Messa...
import com.ibm.icu.text.MessageFormat import java.util.Locale import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ // Outputs "A common message for all options. Selected: (other)" val formatted = new MessageFormat( "{messageCount, plural, one {{aMessage} (one)} other {{aMessage} (othe...
It's relatively easy to parse the command line by hand if you aren't looking for anything too complex: # Naive error checking abort('Usage: ' + $0 + ' site id ...') unless ARGV.length >= 2 # First item (site) is mandatory site = ARGV.shift ARGV.each do | id | # Do something interestin...

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