Tutorial by Examples: alla

Install the SDK Download & unzip the SDK Make sure you are using the latest version of Xcode (7.0+) and targeting iOS 7.0 or highe Download SDK Add the SDKs to your app Drag the Parse.framework and Bolts.framework you downloaded into your Xcode project folder target. Make sure th...
Detailed instructions on getting facebook set up or installed.
Make sure you have ruby installed before installing rubygems, and then: Installing RubyGems Using apt-get on Ubuntu sudo apt-get install rubygems Installing RubyGems Using yum sudo yum install rubygems Manual Installation Method wget https://rubygems.org/rubygems/rubygems-2.6.6.tgz tar xv...
Using Homebrew Prerequisites: Make sure you're on OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or above, and have Homebrew installed. Run the following in your terminal: brew update && brew install rethinkdb Compile from source Building RethinkDB from source requires OS X 10.9 (Mavericks) or greater. Xcode...
Installing Angular Material npm npm install angular-material --save bower bower install angular-material --save jspm jspm install angular-material From Cloud cdnjs | jsdelivr | googlecdn Getting Started (blank shell) <html lang="en"> <head> <meta name...
To get SSIS working for a SQL Server 2005 environment Acquire SQL Server 2005 (x86 or 64 bit) images. Mount the second disk and launch the installation wizard "Next" your way through the dialogs until you see see this screen. Under Client Components, ensure Business Intelligence De...
Add the following pom to the dependencies section of your gradle build file : project.dependencies { compile 'org.roboguice:roboguice:3.+' provided 'org.roboguice:roboblender:3.+' }
Functions have two built-in methods that allow the programmer to supply arguments and the this variable differently: call and apply. This is useful, because functions that operate on one object (the object that they are a property of) can be repurposed to operate on another, compatible object. Addi...
Haxe is available on Windows, Linux, and OS X. It is distributed in two forms: as an installer, providing an optional Neko VM dependency and configuring haxe and haxelib environment variables; as binaries, providing only the Haxe compiler and package manager. Windows Installer and binaries a...
Get the Source Package from http://typo3.org/download/ and upload this package to your web server. Put it one level above the document root. For this manual, we will use the .tar.gz file. Use the shell to execute the according commands: /var/www/site/htdocs/$ cd .. /var/www/site/$ wget get.typo3....
Detailed instructions on getting asp.net-mvc-4 set up or installed.
WebGL is a browser technology so there isn't much to set up other than to have a browser. You can get started with WebGL on JSFiddle or Codepen or JSBIn or any number of other sites that let you edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript online though there will be a few limitations (see below). You can also ho...
Download driver via nuget. Using this command in the package manager console Install-Package mongocsharpdriver
Detailed instructions on getting pymongo set up or installed. Installing with Pip To install pymongo for the first time: pip install pymongo Installing a specific version of pymongo: Where X.X.X is the version to be installed pip install pymongo==X.X.X Upgrading existing pymon...
Specific to Windows System and android Phone: Requirements: USB Cable Android Device Android Driver Software Basically after connecting USB cable PC detects the Android Device and it will automatically search for the required Drivers for that Android Device. If that drivers are not found th...
Ubuntu On recent Ubuntu versions, you can install an up-to-date version of CouchDB with sudo apt-get install couchdb. For older versions, such as Ubuntu 14.04, you should run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:couchdb/stable -y sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install couchdb -y Fedora To install ...
SQL Server Reporting Services can typically be installed with SQL Server installation media. An installation of SQL Server will be required, either locally or on a server. Starting with SQL Server 2008 R2, SSRS has the option to integrate with SharePoint instead of running a separate website.
Shiny can run as a standalone application on your local computer, on a server that can provide shiny apps to multiple users (using shiny server), or on shinyapps.io. Installing Shiny on a local computer: in R/RStudio, run install.packages("shiny") if installing from CRAN, or devtools::i...
Quickstart for Jekyll $ gem install jekyll $ jekyll new my-awesome-site $ cd my-awesome-site ~/my-awesome-site $ jekyll serve Now browse to http://localhost:4000 Quickstart for Jekyll with Bundler $ gem install jekyll bundler $ jekyll new my-awesome-site $ cd my-awesome-site ~/my...
# Fetch and install package to setup access to the official APT repository wget https://packages.erlang-solutions.com/erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb sudo dpkg -i erlang-solutions_1.0_all.deb # Update package index sudo apt-get update # Install Erlang and Elixir sudo apt-get install esl-erlan...

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