Tutorial by Examples: alloca

01 field-1 PIC X(80) BASED. ALLOCATE field-1 *> use field-1 FREE field-1 *> further use of field-1 will cause memory corruption
Caveat: alloca is only mentioned here for the sake of completeness. It is entirely non-portable (not covered by any of the common standards) and has a number of potentially dangerous features that make it un-safe for the unaware. Modern C code should replace it with Variable Length Arrays (VLA). Ma...
Use top command to exam CPU time allocation between user space and kernel space. Explanation: 24.8 us (user space): 24.8% of CPU time is spent on user process. 0.5 sy (system): 0.5% of CPU time is spent on kernel space. ni (niceness): the ratio of CPU time spent on low priority processes. i...
var a = 11, b = 22; a = a ^ b; b = a ^ b; a = a ^ b; console.log("a = " + a + "; b = " + b);// a is now 22 and b is now 11
By default, TensorFlow pre-allocate the whole memory of the GPU card (which can causes CUDA_OUT_OF_MEMORY warning). To change this, it is possible to change the percentage of memory pre-allocated, using per_process_gpu_memory_fraction config option, A value between 0 and 1 that indicates wh...

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