Tutorial by Examples: anonymous

As a non-standard extension to C++, common compilers allow the use of classes as anonymous members. struct Example { struct { int inner_b; }; int outer_b; //The anonymous struct's members are accessed as if members of the parent struct Example() : inner...
f = fn {:a, :b} -> IO.puts "Tuple {:a, :b}" [] -> IO.puts "Empty list" end f.({:a, :b}) # Tuple {:a, :b} f.([]) # Empty list
An anonymous method can be assigned wherever a delegate is expected: Func<int, int> square = delegate (int x) { return x * x; } Lambda expressions can be used to express the same thing: Func<int, int> square = x => x * x; In either case, we can now invoke the method stored ins...
Anonymous methods provide a technique to pass a code block as a delegate parameter. They are methods with a body, but no name. delegate int IntOp(int lhs, int rhs); class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { // C# 2.0 definition IntOp add = delegate(int lhs,...
Invoking a function as an anonymous function, this will be the global object (self in the browser). function func() { return this; } func() === window; // true 5 In ECMAScript 5's strict mode, this will be undefined if the function is invoked anonymously. (function () { "use...
Arrow syntax Anonymous functions can be created using the -> syntax. This is useful for passing functions to higher-order functions, such as the map function. The below function computes the square of each number in an array A. squareall(A) = map(x -> x ^ 2, A) An example of using this fu...
Since functions are ordinary values, there is a convenient syntax for creating functions without names: List.map (fun x -> x * x) [1; 2; 3; 4] (* - : int list = [1; 4; 9; 16] *) This is handy, as we would otherwise have to name the function first (see let) to be able to use it: let square x...
Every Time you create an anonymous class, it retains an implicit reference to its parent class. So when you write: public class LeakyActivity extends Activity { ... foo.registerCallback(new BarCallback() { @Override public void onBar() { ...
An anonymous function is, as the name implies, not assigned a name. This can be useful when the function is a part of a larger operation, but in itself does not take much place. One frequent use-case for anonymous functions is within the *apply family of Base functions. Calculate the root mean squ...
Anonymous classes were introduced into PHP 7 to enable for quick one-off objects to be easily created. They can take constructor arguments, extend other classes, implement interfaces, and use traits just like normal classes can. In its most basic form, an anonymous class looks like the following: ...
You can return an anonymous object from your function public static object FunctionWithUnknowReturnValues () { /// anonymous object return new { a = 1, b = 2 }; } And assign the result to a dynamic object and read the values in it. /// dynamic object dynamic x = FunctionWithUnknowR...
fizzbuzz = fn (0, 0, _) -> "FizzBuzz" (0, _, _) -> "Fizz" (_, 0, _) -> "Buzz" (_, _, x) -> x end my_function = fn(n) -> fizzbuzz.(rem(n, 3), rem(n, 5), n) end
There are two ways to define an anonymous function: the full syntax and a shorthand. Full Anonymous Function Syntax (fn [x y] (+ x y)) This expression evaluates to a function. Any syntax you can use with a function defined with defn (&, argument destructuring, etc.), you can also do with wi...
Anonymous functions can be used for functional programming. The main problem to solve is that there is no native way for anchoring a recursion, but this can still be implemented in a single line: if_ = @(bool, tf) tf{2-bool}(); This function accepts a boolean value and a cell array of two functi...
Assuming LDAPv3, but it's easy enough to change that. This is anonymous, unencrypted LDAPv3 LdapConnection creation. private const string TargetServer = "ldap.example.com"; Actually create the connection with three parts: an LdapDirectoryIdentifier (the server), and NetworkCredentials....
An anonymous inner class is a form of inner class that is declared and instantiated with a single statement. As a consequence, there is no name for the class that can be used elsewhere in the program; i.e. it is anonymous. Anonymous classes are typically used in situations where you need to be abl...
Member names of an anonymous union belong to the scope of the union declaration an must be distinct to all other names of this scope. The example here has the same construction as example Anonymous Members using "struct" but is standard conform. struct Sample { union { int a...
DECLARE -- declare a variable message varchar2(20); BEGIN -- assign value to variable message := 'HELLO WORLD'; -- print message to screen DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(message); END; /
You can create classes without names that are not installed in the system by sending newAnonymousSubclass to a class. For example anonymousSet := Set newAnonymousSubclass will assign an anonymous subclass of Set to anonymousSet variable. Then you can compile methods in this class and instantiat...
An anonymous function can be defined without a name through a Lambda Expression. For defining these type of functions, the keyword lambda is used instead of the keyword defun. The following lines are all equivalent and define anonymous functions which output the sum of two numbers: (lambda (x y) (...

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