Tutorial by Examples: at

Detailed instructions on getting casperjs set up or installed.
Detailed instructions on getting google-project-tango set up or installed.
Suppose that you need to define a dropdown menu for a particular Acumatica screen, such as the Reports menu on the following screenshot. This can be achieved in three different ways: By adding a toolbar with a menu item to the screen's ASPX By declaring a special "folder" action to ...
object CommonUtils { var anyname: String ="Hello" fun dispMsg(message: String) { println(message) } } From any other class, just invoke the variable and functions in this way: CommonUtils.anyname CommonUtils.dispMsg("like static call")
When you want the current date and time, you can do this with the Javascript function Date, but will return the following format which isn't always useful: Wed Jun 07 2017 13:26:15 GMT+0200 (Romance (zomertijd)). Copy the following code into app/helpers/helpers.js, and simply call getCurrentDateAnd...
First, you need to open your SQLite database, which can be done as follows: SQLiteDatabase myDataBase; String mPath = dbhelper.DATABASE_PATH + dbhelper.DATABASE_NAME; myDataBase = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(mPath, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READWRITE); After opening the database, you can easi...
On the official website of DataTable is an example of how a server-side process with PHP and MySQL can look. This example is deprecated and can no longer be used with PHP 7 (the function "mysql_pconnect" and the associated functions are deprecated, see this post). So this function gives y...
You must obviously select the project that you want to publish. You must click on the small arrow right next to the "Publish" button. You must click on the "Publish to Multiple Companies" option. On the smart panel that will appear you must select the companies that yo...
Open the customization project that you want to publish with this method. Open the publish menu at the top and select the "Publish with Cleanup" option. *Please take note that all customization project that are selected on the customization screen will be republish even if you are ...
//Using Iterator Iterator iterator = deque.iterator(); while(iterator.hasNext(){ String Item = (String) iterator.next(); } //Using For Loop for(Object object : deque) { String Item = (String) object; }
// sample token string taken from the New example tokenString := "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJuYmYiOjE0NDQ0Nzg0MDB9.u1riaD1rW97opCoAuRCTy4w58Br-Zk-bh7vLiRIsrpU" // Parse takes the token string and a function for looking up the key. The latter is especially ...
The StandardClaim is embedded in the custom type to allow for easy encoding, parsing and validation of standard claims. tokenString := "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJmb28iOiJiYXIiLCJleHAiOjE1MDAwLCJpc3MiOiJ0ZXN0In0.HE7fK0xOQwFEr4WDgRWj4teRPZ6i3GLwD5YCm6Pwu_c" type MyCustomCla...
// Create a new token object, specifying signing method and the claims // you would like it to contain. token := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, jwt.MapClaims{ "foo": "bar", "nbf": time.Date(2015, 10, 10, 12, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC).Unix(), }) // Si...
The StandardClaims type is designed to be embedded into your custom types to provide standard validation features. You can use it alone, but there's no way to retrieve other fields after parsing. See the custom claims example for intended usage. mySigningKey := []byte("AllYourBase") //...
type contextKey string const ( // JWTTokenContextKey holds the key used to store a JWT Token in the // context. JWTTokenContextKey contextKey = "JWTToken" // JWTClaimsContextKey holds the key used to store the JWT Claims in the // context. JWTClaimsContex...
1.vim ~/.bash_profile The file may not exist (if not, you can just create it). 2.type in this and save the file: export PATH=$PATH:YOUR_PATH_HERE
Atom is versatile and flexible text editor and has hundreds of community-made, open-source packages that can compile and run source files, for many languages. This guide will show how easy it is to code Python with the Atom editor. This guide assumes you do not have Python nor Atom installed in you...
$data = $result->mysqli_fetch_array(MYSQLI_BOTH);
To initiate any operation on your devices, you'll need a command queue for each device. The Queue keeps track of different calls you did to the target device and keeps them in order. Most commands can also be executed either in blocking or non-blocking mode. Creating a queue is pretty straightforwa...
Detailed instructions on getting coded-ui-tests set up or installed.

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