Tutorial by Examples: bind

Dynamic binding, also referred as method overriding is an example of run time polymorphism that occurs when multiple classes contain different implementations of the same method, but the object that the method will be called on is unknown until run time. This is useful if a certain condition dicta...
Consider this simple example: import QtQuick 2.7 import QtQuick.Controls 2.0 ApplicationWindow { visible: true width: 400 height: 640 Rectangle{ id: rect anchors.centerIn: parent height: 100 width: parent.width color: "blue...
Creating a Custom Element with bindable properties is a snap. If you want to create an element that accepts one or more values which the plugin can use, the @bindable decorator and syntax is what you are looking for. Below, we are creating a custom element that accepts an array of fruits and displa...
In the following, we are creating an example of an Aurelia Custom Element which will allow you to display Youtube videos via their video ID. An Aurelia Custom Element can be defined in two different ways: the first one is by creating a viewmodel and accompanying view, the second one is by just cre...
Two-way Data-Binding supports the following attributes: ElementPropertiesAbsListViewandroid:selectedItemPositionCalendarViewandroid:dateCompoundButtonandroid:checkedDatePickerandroid:yearandroid:monthandroid:dayEditTextandroid:textNumberPickerandroid:valueRadioGroupandroid:checkedButtonRatingBarand...
we can annotate fields with @BindView and a view ID for Butter Knife to find and automatically cast the corresponding view in our layout. Binding Views Binding Views in Activity class ExampleActivity extends Activity { @BindView(R.id.title) TextView title; @BindView(R.id.subtitle) TextView ...
OnClick Listener: @OnClick(R.id.login) public void login(View view) { // Additional logic } All arguments to the listener method are optional: @OnClick(R.id.login) public void login() { // Additional logic } Specific type will be automatically casted: @OnClick(R.id.submit) publi...
Fragments have a different view lifecycle than activities. When binding a fragment in onCreateView, set the views to null in onDestroyView. Butter Knife returns an Unbinder instance when you call bind to do this for you. Call its unbind method in the appropriate lifecycle callback. An example: pub...
You can bind to a property on a named element, but the named element must be in scope. <StackPanel> <CheckBox x:Name="MyCheckBox" IsChecked="True" /> <TextBlock Text="{Binding IsChecked, ElementName=MyCheckBox}" /> </StackPanel>
You can bind to a property of an ancestor in the visual tree by using a RelativeSource binding. The nearest control higher in the visual tree which has the same type or is derived from the type you specify will be used as the binding's source: <Grid Background="Blue"> <Grid ...
Think about a situation where we need to callback a function with arguments. std::function used with std::bind gives a very powerful design construct as shown below. class A { public: std::function<void(int, const std::string&)> m_CbFunc = nullptr; void foo() { ...
<p ng-bind="message"></p> This 'message' has to be attached to the current elements controller's scope. $scope.message = "Hello World"; At a later point of time , even if the message model is updated , that updated value is reflected in the HTML element. When ...
Angular has reputation for having awesome bidirectional data binding. By default, Angular continuously synchronizes values bound between model and view components any time data changes in either the model or view component. This comes with a cost of being a bit slow if used too much. This will hav...
AngularJS code for rendering plain text: <p>{{ ScopePropertyX }} and {{ ScopePropertyY }}</p> KnockoutJS equivalent: <p> <!-- ko text: ScopeObservableX --><!-- /ko --> and <!-- ko text: ScopeObservableY --><!-- /ko --> </p> or: ...
As seen previously, a closure is nothing but an instance of the Closure class, and different methods can be invoked on them. One of them is bindTo, which, given a closure, will return a new one that is bound to a given object. For example: <?php $myClosure = function() { echo $this->p...
Let's consider this example: <?php $myClosure = function() { echo $this->property; }; class MyClass { public $property; public function __construct($propertyValue) { $this->property = $propertyValue; } } $myInstance = new MyClass('Hello world...
Since PHP7, it is possible to bind a closure just for one call, thanks to the call method. For instance: <?php class MyClass { private $property; public function __construct($propertyValue) { $this->property = $propertyValue; } } $myClosure = function() ...
Values can be given names using let: # let a = 1;; val a : int = 1 You can use similar syntax to define a function. Just provide additional parameters for the arguments. # let add arg1 arg2 = arg1 + arg2;; val add : int -> int -> int = <fun> We can call it like this: # add 1...
The pattern matching library trivia provides a system trivia.ppcre that allows captured groups to be bound through pattern matching (trivia:match "John Doe" ((trivia.ppcre:ppcre "(.*)\\W+(.*)" first-name last-name) (list :first-name first-name :last-name last-name))) ;...
Generic parameters can also be bound to more than one type using the T extends Type1 & Type2 & ... syntax. Let's say you want to create a class whose Generic type should implement both Flushable and Closeable, you can write class ExampleClass<T extends Flushable & Closeable> { }...

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