Tutorial by Examples: ces

It's fairly common that you may create a class that implements IDisposable, and then derive classes that also contain managed resources. It is recommendeded to mark the Dispose method with the virtual keyword so that clients have the ability to cleanup any resources they may own. public class Paren...
When you bind a service to your application credentials become available through the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable. This environment variable contains JSON containing the credentials for all bound services. Example VCAP_SERVICES environment variable { "push-reappt": [ { ...
Consider entities Customer, Purchase and PurchaseItem as follows: public class Customer { public string Id { get; set } // A unique Id that identifies customer public string Name {get; set; } } public class Purchase { public string Id { get; set } public string CustomerId...
Some API calls can succeed or fail in more than one way. The APIs commonly return additional information for both successful invocations as well as errors (e.g. CreateMutex). if ( CreateMutexW( NULL, TRUE, L"Global\\MyNamedMutex" ) == NULL ) { // Failure: get additional information. ...
Use 403 Forbidden when a client has requested a resource that is inaccessible due to existing access controls. For example, if your app has an /admin route that should only be accessible to users with administrative rights, you can use 403 when a normal user requests the page. GET /admin HTTP/1.1 ...
1. Target a device by serial number Use the -s option followed by a device name to select on which device the adb command should run. The -s options should be first in line, before the command. adb -s <device> <command> Example: adb devices List of devices attached emulator-55...
using (new Sitecore.SecurityModel.SecurityDisabler()) { var item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/home"); }
var user = Sitecore.Security.Accounts.User.FromName("sitecore/testname", false); using (new Sitecore.Security.Accounts.UserSwitcher(user)) { var item = Sitecore.Context.Database.GetItem("/sitecore/content/home"); }
the timedelta module comes in handy to compute differences between times: from datetime import datetime, timedelta now = datetime.now() then = datetime(2016, 5, 23) # datetime.datetime(2016, 05, 23, 0, 0, 0) Specifying time is optional when creating a new datetime object delta = now-then ...
Problem: Some data needs to be passed to a scene loaded from a fxml. Solution Specify a controller using the fx:controller attribute and get the controller instance created during the loading process from the FXMLLoader instance used to load the fxml. Add methods for passing the data to the contr...
Extension methods enable you to simplify your interface definitions by only including core required functionality in the interface itself and allowing you to define convenience methods and overloads as extension methods. Interfaces with fewer methods are easier to implement in new classes. Keeping o...
An interface is a definition of a contract between the user of the interface and the class that implement it. One way to think of an interface is as a declaration that an object can perform certain functions. Let's say that we define an interface IShape to represent different type of shapes, we exp...
class Vector { double x double y } def points = [ new Vector(x: 10, y: -5), new Vector(x: -17.5, y: 3), new Vector(x: -3.3, y: -1) ] assert points*.x == [10, -17.5, -3.3] Note: The * is optional. We could also write the above statement as in the below line and Groov...
If you are looking to run a file, such as an executable, use child_process.execFile. Instead of spawning a shell like child_process.exec would, it will directly create a new process, which is slightly more efficient than running a command. The function can be used like so: const execFile = require(...
Higher-order functions can be used to ensure that system resources are disposed, even when a treatment raises an exception. The pattern used by with_output_file allows a clean separation of concerns: the higher-order with_output_file functions takes care of managing the system resources bound to fi...
Modern A weak reference looks like one of these: @property (weak) NSString *property; NSString *__weak variable; If you have a weak reference to an object, then under the hood: You're not retaining it. When it gets deallocated, every reference to it will automatically be set to nil Obje...
Send an HTTP response with status code 200 to indicate a successful request. The HTTP response status line is then: HTTP/1.1 200 OK The status text OK is only informative. The response body (message payload) should contain a representation of the requested resource. If there is no representation...
In ASP.NET Core there are several different ways we can localize/globalize our app. It's important to pick a way that suits your needs. In this example you'll see how we can make a multilingual ASP.NET Core app that reads language specific strings from .json files and store them in memory to provi...
Installing aws cli in Ubuntu / Debian Instance sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip sudo pip install awscli aws --version aws configure Installing aws cli using python Using pip you can install aws cli in windows, OS X and Linux sudo pip install awscli Configuring the AWS Comman...
A subprogram (which defines a procedure), can be either a subroutine or a function; it is said to be an internal subprogram if it is called or invoked from the same program or subprogram that contains it, as follows program my_program ! declarations ! executable statements, ! among which...

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