Tutorial by Examples: ces

Enable USB Debugging on your device and from command line type adb devices. If everything is OK, the response should be: List of devices attached 1234567890 device Where 1234567890 is the device's id. If multiple devices are connected, you should see all of them: List of devices at...
A sequence is a series of elements that can be enumerated. It is an alias of System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable and lazy. It stores a series of elements of the same type (can be any value or object, even another sequence). Functions from the Seq.module can be used to operate on it. Here is a s...
Using the dataset property The new dataset property allows access (for both reading and writing) to all data attributes data-* on any element. <p>Countries:</p> <ul> <li id="C1" onclick="showDetails(this)" data-id="US" data-dial-code="1&q...
This example shows how to use two audio sources, and alter one of them based on the other. In this case we create an audio Ducker, that will lower the volume of the primary track if the secondary track produces sound. The ScriptProcessorNode will send regular events to its audioprocess handler. In ...
process.argv is an array containing the command line arguments. The first element will be node, the second element will be the name of the JavaScript file. The next elements will be any additional command line arguments. Code Example: Output sum of all command line arguments index.js var sum = 0...
spec can describe and be used with arbitrary sequences. It supports this via a number of regex spec operations. (clojure.spec/valid? (clojure.spec/cat :text string? :int int?) ["test" 1]) ;;=> true cat requires labels for each spec used to describe the sequence. cat describes a seq...
Docker is just a fancy way to run a process, not a virtual machine. Therefore, debugging a process "in a container" is also possible "on the host" by simply examining the running container process as a user with the appropriate permissions to inspect those processes on the host (...
Here we demonstrate how to process lists recursively using OCaml's pattern matching syntax. let rec map f lst = match lst with | [] -> [] | hd::tl -> (f hd)::(map f tl) In this case, the pattern [] matches the empty list, while hd::tl matches any list that has at least one element...
The easiest way to consume a successful Future-- or rather, get the value inside the Future-- is to use the map method. Suppose some code calls the divide method of the FutureDivider object from the "Creating a Future" example. What would the code need to look like to get the quotient of...
UCanAccess is a pure Java JDBC driver that allows us to read from and write to Access databases without using ODBC. It uses two other packages, Jackcess and HSQLDB, to perform these tasks. Once it has been set up*, we can work with data in .accdb and .mdb files using code like this: import java.sq...
When working with multiple open Workbooks, each of which may have multiple Sheets, it’s safest to define and set reference to all Workbooks and Sheets. Don't rely on ActiveWorkbook or ActiveSheet as they might be changed by the user. The following code example demonstrates how to copy a range from...
R has a number of build in constants. The following constants are available: LETTERS: the 26 upper-case letters of the Roman alphabet letters: the 26 lower-case letters of the Roman alphabet month.abb: the three-letter abbreviations for the English month names month.name: the English names fo...
Cache-Control: no-cache The client will behave as if the response was not cached. This is appropriate for resources that can unpredictably change at any time, and which users must always see in the latest version. Responses with no-cache will be slower (high latency) due to need to contact the s...
Managing AWS resources that scale up and down runs into the limits of the static inventory host file, that's why we need something dynamic. And that's what the dynamic inventories are for. Let's start: Download these ec2.ini and ec2.py files to the your project folder: cd my_ansible_project wget...
This is a simple application with primefaces, it is a login page: 1-Configuration of web.xml: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app version="3.1" xmlns="http://xmlns.jcp.org/xml/ns/javaee" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-...
With the RequireQualifiedAccess attribute, union cases must be referred to as MyUnion.MyCase instead of just MyCase. This prevents name collisions in the enclosing namespace or module: type [<RequireQualifiedAccess>] Requirements = None | Single | All // Uses the DU with qualified acc...
A full explanation of Access Modifiers in Java can be found here. But how do they interact with Inner classes? public, as usual, gives unrestricted access to any scope able to access the type. public class OuterClass { public class InnerClass { public int x = 5; } p...
Environment.ProcessorCount Gets the number of logical processors on the current machine. The CLR will then schedule each thread to a logical processor, this theoretically could mean each thread on a different logical processor, all threads on a single logical processor or some other combination...
Processing tabular data with awk is very easy, provided that the input is correctly formatted. Most software producing tabular data use specific features of this family of formats, and awk programs processing tabular data are often specific to a data produced by a specific software. If a more gener...
When the view controller is presented within a tab bar controller, you can access the tab bar controller like this: Swift let tabBarController = viewController.tabBarController Objective-C UITabBarController *tabBarController = self.tabBarController; When the view controller is part on an n...

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