Tutorial by Examples: ces

Solves problem of: access denied for user root using password YES Stop mySQL: sudo systemctl stop mysql Restart mySQL, skipping grant tables: sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables Login: mysql -u root In SQL shell, look if users exist: select User, password,plugin FROM mysql.user ; U...
Parameter TypesReturn TypeInterface()voidRunnable()TSupplier()booleanBooleanSupplier()intIntSupplier()longLongSupplier()doubleDoubleSupplier(T)voidConsumer<T>(T)TUnaryOperator<T>(T)RFunction<T,R>(T)booleanPredicate<T>(T)intToIntFunction<T>(T)longToLongFunction<T>(...
Parallel Testing with Appium using GRID: I will describe the way which worked for me. Create Selenium Grid with Appium Setup the selenium grid Download selenium standalone server jar on local file system Open your terminal and navigate to the directory to where you placed the jar file and exe...
The following permissions are required to use the Bluetooth APIs: android.permission.BLUETOOTH android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN If you're targeting devices with Android 6.0 (API Level 23) or higher and want to perform scanning/advertising operations you will require a Location permission: a...
An instantiated system can be accessed through the scene: document.querySelector('a-scene').systems[systemName]; Registered system prototypes can be accessed through AFRAME.systems.
A component’s members and methods can be accessed through the entity from the .components object. Look up the component from the entity’s map of components, and we’ll have access to the component’s internals. Consider this example component: AFRAME.registerComponent('foo', { init: function () { ...
Since A-Frame fetches assets using XHRs, browser security requires the browser to serve assets with cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) headers if the asset is on a different domain. Otherwise, we'd have to host assets on the same origin as the scene. For some options, GitHub Pages serves every...
To get the contents of a form that is submitted with method="post", use the post property: $name = $request->request->get('name');
$id = $request->cookies->get('PHPSESSID'); This will return the value of the 'PHPSESSID' cookie sent by the browser.
The typical scenario for your memory usage is to store the source data and the processed data in the global memory. When a threadblock starts, it first copies all relevant parts into the shared memory before getting their parts into the registers. Memory access latency also depends on your memory s...
To make your APK file as small as possible, you should enable shrinking to remove unused code and resources in your release build. This page describes how to do that and how to specify what code and resources to keep or discard during the build. Code shrinking is available with ProGuard, which dete...
To discovery all the available print services, we can use the PrintServiceLookup class. Let's see how: import javax.print.PrintService; import javax.print.PrintServiceLookup; public class DiscoveringAvailablePrintServices { public static void main(String[] args) { discoverPrintS...
To use Processing in Eclipse, start by creating a new Java project. Then, select File > Import and then choose General > File System to locate the core.jar file. It can be found in PATH_TO_PROCESSING/core/library/ for Windows or /Applications/Processing 3.app/Contents/Java/core/library/ for Ma...
Sonim devices have varying by model a lot of different custom buttons: PTT_KEY com.sonim.intent.action.PTT_KEY_DOWN com.sonim.intent.action.PTT_KEY_UP YELLOW_KEY com.sonim.intent.action.YELLOW_KEY_DOWN com.sonim.intent.action.YELLOW_KEY_UP SOS_KEY com.sonim.intent.action.SOS_KEY_DOWN co...
PTT Button android.intent.action.PTT.down android.intent.action.PTT.up Confirmed on: RG730, RG740A
Resource dictionaries are accessible only inside the context they were declared, so if we intended to reference resources that are declared in one page context from another page they will not be found. So if we need global resources to be defined like the ones that comes with the framework we do it ...
We now need to access to our declared resources, in order to do that from XAML code we use {ThemeResource ResourceKey} or {StaticResource ResourceKey} to be continued later.
Child Processes are the way to go when one wants to run processes independently with different initialization and concerns. Like forks in clusters, a child_process runs in its thread, but unlike forks, it has a way to communicate with its parent. The communication goes both ways, so parent and chil...
Accessing the 3rd element of the first subarray: my_array[1][2]
To ensure that a GPU version TensorFlow process only runs on CPU: import os os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="-1" import tensorflow as tf For more information on the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES, have a look to this answer or to the CUDA documentation.

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