Tutorial by Examples: ch

expdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> directory=DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR dumpfile=<customer.dmp> impdp <bkpadmin>/<bkp123> directory=DATAPUMP_REMOTE_DIR dumpfile=<customer.dmp> remap_schema=<source schema>:<target schema> remap_tablespace=<source tablespace&g...
There are some situations where you won't be sure what type a variable is when it is returned from a function. You can always check a variable's type by using var.(type) if you are unsure what type it is: x := someFunction() // Some value of an unknown type is stored in x now switch x := x.(type...
Filename myEmail EMAIL Subject = "My Email Subject" From = "[email protected]" To = '[email protected]' CC = '[email protected]' Type = 'Text/Plain' ATTACH = ("my/excel/file/path/file.extension" content_type="...
Let's first create a simple "Hello world!" MailboxProcessor which processes one type of message and prints greetings. You'll need the message type. It can be anything, but Discriminated Unions are a natural choice here as they list all the possible cases on one place and you can easily us...
Test Automation is broad topic. DEV/QA should delve on this questions first: What is nature of product? (Web, Mobile, Cloud, IOT, Analytics) What is development stage? (Developed-Legacy, In Development) What is technology stack? (Java, C#, Python, Ruby, Node, React) Is it SOA/Micro-services ba...
iex(1)> String.contains? "elixir of life", "of" true iex(2)> String.contains? "elixir of life", ["life", "death"] true iex(3)> String.contains? "elixir of life", ["venus", "mercury"] false
Example of usage scalacheck with scalatest. Below we have four tests: "show pass example" - it passes "show simple example without custom error message " - just failed message without details, && boolean operator is used "show example with error messages on arg...
To use multi-threading in MATLAB one can use the batch command. Note that you must have the Parallel Computing toolbox installed. For a time-consuming script, for example, for ii=1:1e8 A(ii)=sin(ii*2*pi/1e8); end to run it in batch mode one would use the following: job=batch("da&quot...
first add the OkHttp to the gradle build file of the app module compile 'com.squareup.picasso:picasso:2.5.2' compile 'com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.4.0' compile 'com.jakewharton.picasso:picasso2-okhttp3-downloader:1.0.2' Then make a class extending Application import android.app.Application; ...
Step 1: Create your GitHub account If you already have a GitHub account, please proceed to Step 2. Otherwise, please follow below: 1.a Go to Github page. 1.b Enter your desired username, your email address and then your desired password. Afterwards, click the Sign up for GitHub button. Step 2:...
Steps for Getting Started: Download Eclipse Create a Java Maven Project with following example package organization src/test/java com.example.pageobjects com.example.steps com.example.runner src/test/resources Add Cucumber Eclipse Plugin : https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber-eclipse/wik...
To be able to run tests Chrome broser should be pre-installed on Android device,
To be able to work with web-application on Android device using Selenium below pre-conditions should be met: Android SDK installed on computer Chrome browser installed on Android device Debugging mode enabled on Android device Start adb and chromedriver server with below commands from cmd/Te...
The core idea of VLOOKUP is to look up information in a spreadsheet table and place it in another. For example, suppose this is the table in Sheet1: John 12/25/1990 Jane 1/1/2000 In Sheet2, place John, Andy, and Jane in A1, A2, and A3. In B1, to the right of John, I placed: =VL...
HeroChildComponent has two input properties, typically adorned with @Input decorations. import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core'; import { Hero } from './hero'; @Component({ selector: 'hero-child', template: ` <h3>{{hero.name}} says:</h3> <p>I, {{hero.nam...
First you add System.Security.Cryptography and System.IO to your project public string GetSha1Hash(string filePath) { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { SHA1 sha = new SHA1Managed(); return BitConverter.ToString(sha.ComputeHash(fs...
first you add System.Security.Cryptography namespace to your project public string GetSha1Hash(string filePath) { using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { SHA1 sha = new SHA1Managed(); return BitConverter.ToString(sha.ComputeHash(fs)); ...
The code Here is a simple flink application using a stateful mapper with an Integer managed state. You can play with the checkpointEnable, checkpointInterval and checkpointMode variables to see their effect: public class CheckpointExample { private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogge...
Before 1.2, the only way to persist state/retain a checkpoint after a job termination/cancellation/persistant failure was through a savepoint, which is triggered manually. Version 1.2 introduced persistent checkpoints. Persistent checkpoints behave very much like regular periodic checkpoints except...
Below is an Employer entity class which is mapped to the table employer. As you can see I used fetch = FetchType.LAZY instead of fetch = FetchType.EAGER. The reason I am using LAZY is because Employer may have a lot of properties later on and every time I may not need to know all the fields of an Em...

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