Tutorial by Examples: child

You can take a look at the full code in this working Plunker. In this example I use a shared service to handle the communication between the pages inside the tab (child pages) and the tab container (the component that holds the tabs). Even though you probably could do it with Events I like the shar...
Traversing from the root node to a descendant element using the child axis: /child::html/child::body/child::div/child::span Since the child axis is the default axis, this can be abbreviated to: /html/body/div/span
By using the Grid.RowSpan and Grid.ColumnSpan attached properties, children of a Grid can span multiple rows or columns. In the following example the second TextBlock will span the second and third column of the Grid. <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/&...
XML <House> <Rooms>10</Rooms> <People>4</People> <TVs>4</TVs> <Floors>2</Floors> </House> XPATH /House/child::node() OUTPUT <Rooms>10</Rooms> <People>4</People> <TVs>4</TVs&gt...
XML <House> <numRooms>4</numRooms> <Room name="living"/> <Room name="master bedroom"/> <Room name="kids' bedroom"/> <Room name="kitchen"/> </House> XPATH /House/child::Room or /...
Sample XML <Students> <Student> <Name> <First>Ashley</First> <Last>Smith</Last> </Name> <Grades> <Exam1>A</Exam1> <Exam2>B</Exam2> ...
Sample XML <Students> <Student> <Name> <First>Ashley</First> <Last>Smith</Last> </Name> <Grades> <Exam1>A</Exam1> <Exam2>B</Exam2> ...
Sometimes it's really useful to know the type of child component when iterating through them. In order to iterate through the children components you can use React Children.map util function: React.Children.map(this.props.children, (child) => { if (child.type === MyComponentType) { ......
That the easiest case actually, very natural in the React world and the chances are - you are already using it. You can pass props down to child components. In this example message is the prop that we pass down to the child component, the name message is chosen arbitrarily, you can name it anything...
Sending data back to the parent, to do this we simply pass a function as a prop from the parent component to the child component, and the child component calls that function. In this example, we will change the Parent state by passing a function to the Child component and invoking that function ins...
Some times application must have panes that docked not to the main frame, but to the child frame. Usually it's MDI application. In MFC Feature pack such child frame is inherited from CMDIChildWndEx class and as main frame (inherited from CMDIFrameWndEx) have all required code for such docking. But ...
The onTouchEvents() for nested view groups can be managed by the boolean onInterceptTouchEvent. The default value for the OnInterceptTouchEvent is false. The parent's onTouchEvent is received before the child's. If the OnInterceptTouchEvent returns false, it sends the motion event down the cha...
We have a DataListComponent that shows a data we pull from a service. DataListComponent also has a PagerComponent as it's child. PagerComponent creates page number list based on total number of pages it gets from the DataListComponent. PagerComponent also lets the DataListComponent know when user c...
Viewchild offers one way interaction from parent to child. There is no feedback or output from child when ViewChild is used. We have a DataListComponent that shows some information. DataListComponent has PagerComponent as it's child. When user makes a search on DataListComponent, it gets a data fro...
Take a use case, like a chat app or a collaborative grocery list app (that basically requires a list of objects to be synced across users). If you use firebase database and add a value event listener to the chat parent node or grocery list parent node, you will end with entire chat structure from th...
In JSX expressions that contain both an opening tag and a closing tag, the content between those tags is passed as a special prop: props.children. There are several different ways to pass children: String Literals You can put a string between the opening and closing tags and props.children will ju...
Contrary to original documentation, I found this to be the way to properly nest children routes inside the app.routing.ts or app.module.ts file (depending on your preference). This approach works when using either WebPack or SystemJS. The example below shows routes for home, home/counter, and home/...
File descriptors and FILE objects are per-process resources that cannot themselves be exchanged between processes via ordinary I/O. Therefore, in order for two distinct processes to communicate via an anonymous pipe, one or both participating processes must inherit an open pipe end from the process...
Connecting two child processes via a pipe is performed by connecting each of two children to the parent via different ends of the same pipe. Usually, the parent will not be party to the conversation between the children, so it closes its copies of both pipe ends. int demo() { int pipefds[2]; ...
class ParentClass { [string] $Message = "Its under the Parent Class" [string] GetMessage() { return ("Message: {0}" -f $this.Message) } } # Bar extends Foo and inherits its members class ChildClass : ParentClass { } $Inherit = [ChildClass...

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