Tutorial by Examples: ci

If you import two libraries that have conflicting identifiers, then you can specify a prefix for one or both libraries. For example, if library1 and library2 both have an Element class, then you might have code like this: import 'package:lib1/lib1.dart'; import 'package:lib2/lib2.dart' as lib2; /...
If you have one of the supported Linux distributions, you can follow the steps on the .NET Core website: https://www.microsoft.com/net If you have an unsupported distribution: Download the .NET Core SDK from the links, picking the distribution closer to the used one. https://www.microsoft.com/net...
Thus these variables will use dynamic binding. (defparameter count 0) ;; All uses of count will refer to this one (defun handle-number (number) (incf count) (format t "~&~d~%" number)) (dotimes (count 4) ;; count is shadowed, but still special (handle-number coun...
/* within a class, def, trait or object, but not a constructor */ synchronized { /* code to run when an intrisctic lock on `this` is acquired */ /* no other thread can get the this lock unless execution is suspended with * `wait` on `this` */ }
In some cases it is necessary to calculate a variable amount of values on separate Futures. Assume to have a List[Future[Int]], but instead a List[Int] needs to be processed. Then the question is how to turn this instance of List[Future[Int]] into a Future[List[Int]]. For this purpose there is the s...
The normal obj.save() method will use the default database, or if a database router is used, it will use the database as specified in db_for_write. You can override it by using: obj.save(using='other_db') obj.delete(using='other_db') Similarly, for reading: MyModel.objects.using('other_db').al...
Roles also enable you to define other roles as a dependency by creating a meta/main.yml file with a dependencies block: dependencies: - role: common It's also possible to pass a value to a parameter/variable in the dependent role: dependencies: - { role: common, some_parameter: 3 } Or ...
class Digit { public Digit(double d) { val = d; } public double val; // User-defined conversion from Digit to double public static implicit operator double(Digit d) { Console.WriteLine("Digit to double implict conversion called"); return d.val;...
Type ghci at a shell prompt to start GHCI. $ ghci GHCi, version 8.0.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help Prelude>
By default, GHCI's prompt shows all the modules you have loaded into your interactive session. If you have many modules loaded this can get long: Prelude Data.List Control.Monad> -- etc The :set prompt command changes the prompt for this interactive session. Prelude Data.List Control.Monad&g...
GHCi uses a configuration file in ~/.ghci. A configuration file consists of a sequence of commands which GHCi will execute on startup. $ echo ":set prompt \"foo> \"" > ~/.ghci $ ghci GHCi, version 8.0.1: http://www.haskell.org/ghc/ :? for help Loaded GHCi configuration...
You can apply the same change shown in the Index Settings example to all existing indices with one request, or even a subset of them: PUT /*/_settings { "index": { "indexing.slowlog.threshold.index.warn": "1s", "search.slowlog.threshold": { ...
Example uses basic HTTP, which translate easily to cURL and other HTTP applications. They also match the Sense syntax, which will be renamed to Console in Kibana 5.0. Note: The example inserts <#> to help draw attention to parts. Those should be removed if you copy it! PUT /my_index <1&gt...
For a function or subroutine to be useful it has to be referenced. A subroutine is referenced in a call statement call sub(...) and a function within an expression. Unlike in many other languages, an expression does not form a complete statement, so a function reference is often seen in an ass...
Avoid unnecessary operations and method calls wherever you can, especially in a method which is called many times a second, like Update. Distance/Range Checks Use sqrMagnitude instead of magnitude when comparing distances. This avoids unnecessary sqrt operations. Note that when using sqrMagnitude,...
Before Fortran 95 it was possible to use assigned formats for input or output. Consider integer i, fmt read *, i assign 100 to fmt if (i<100000) assign 200 to fmt print fmt, i 100 format ("This is a big number", I10) 200 format ("This is a small number", I6) e...
VBA offers a Mid function for returning substrings within a string, but it also offers the Mid Statement which can be used to assign substrings or individual characters withing a string. The Mid function will typically appear on the right-hand-side of an assignment statement or in a condition, but ...
The word-spacing property specifies the spacing behavior between tags and words. Possible values a positive or negative length (using em px vh cm etc.) or percentage (using %) the keyword normal uses the font's default word spacing the keyword inherit takes the value from the parent element ...
Note: I am assuming that debugfs is mounted under /sys/kernel/debug If not, try: mount -t debugfs none /sys/kernel/debug Change into the tracing directory: cd /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/ Make sure the function tracer is disabled: echo nop > current_tracer Enable all I2C events: echo ...
'Declare an array of bytes, assign multi-byte character codes, and convert to a string Dim multiByteChars(9) As Byte multiByteChars(0) = 87 multiByteChars(1) = 0 multiByteChars(2) = 111 multiByteChars(3) = 0 multiByteChars(4) = 114 multiByteChars(5) = 0 multiByteChars(6) = 108 multiByteChar...

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