Tutorial by Examples: clos

A specific figure can be closed by keeping its handle import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig1 = plt.figure() # create first figure plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1]) fig2 = plt.figure() # create second figure plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1]) plt.close(fig1) # close first figure although second one is active ...
(ns so-doc.events (:require [goog.dom :as dom] [goog.events :as events])) (defn handle-click [event] ;an event object is passed to all events (js/alert "button pressed")) (events/listen (dom/getElement "button"); This is the dom element the event comes fro...
autodie allows you to work with files without having to explicitly check for open/close failures. Since Perl 5.10.1, the autodie pragma has been available in core Perl. When used, Perl will automatically check for errors when opening and closing files. Here is an example in which all of the lines ...
Functions are an important part of Julia programming. They can be defined directly within modules, in which case the functions are referred to as top-level. But functions can also be defined within other functions. Such functions are called "closures". Closures capture the variables in th...
See remarks for discussion of closures. Suppose we have an interface: public interface IMachine<TState, TInput> { TState State { get; } public void Input(TInput input); } and then the following is executed: IMachine<int, int> machine = ...; Func<int, int> machineC...
A closure is a procedure that holds internal state: Define a procedure that returns a closure The procedure make-an-adder takes one argument x and returns a function that closes over the value. Or to put it another way, x is within the lexical scope of the returned function. #lang racket (define...
typealias SuccessHandler = (NSURLSessionDataTask, AnyObject?) -> Void This code block creates a type alias named SuccessHandler, just in the same way var string = "" creates a variable with the name string. Now whenever you use SuccessHandler, for example: func example(_ handler: S...
typealias Handler = () -> Void typealias Handler = () -> () This block creates a type alias that works as a Void to Void function (takes in no parameters and returns nothing). Here is a usage example: var func: Handler? func = {}
Closely correlated features may add variance to your model, and removing one of a correlated pair might help reduce that. There are lots of ways to detect correlation. Here's one: library(purrr) # in order to use keep() # select correlatable vars toCorrelate<-mtcars %>% keep(is.numeric) ...
This error message may be produced by the OpenSSH ssh client. It means that the TCP connection between the client and the server was closed by the server immediately after being accepted. This message generally indicates the SSH server has been configured not to accept connections from the client fo...
This error is thrown when a process in your web dyno accepts a connection, but then closes the socket without writing anything to it. 2010-10-06T21:51:37-07:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H13 desc="Connection closed without response" method=GET path="/" host=myapp.herokuapp.co...
In Swift 1 and 2, closure parameters were escaping by default. If you knew your closure wouldn’t escape the function body, you could mark the parameter with the @noescape attribute. In Swift 3, it’s the other way around: closure parameters are non-escaping by default. If you intend for it to escape...
From Swift Documentarion @escaping Apply this attribute to a parameter’s type in a method or function declaration to indicate that the parameter’s value can be stored for later execution. This means that the value is allowed to outlive the lifetime of the call. Function type parameters wi...
Switch to the new opened tab. Close the current windows(In this case the new Tab). Switch back to first window. PROTRACTOR: browser.getAllWindowHandles().then(function (handles) { browser.driver.switchTo().window(handles[1]); browser.driver.close(); browser.driver.switchTo().window(...
A modeless form is employed (usually) when you need to shows something permanentely alongside your application main screen (think about a legend or an view on a stream of data coming asynchronously from a device or an MDI Child Window). But a modeless form poses an unique challenge when you want t...
When a form is shown using the ShowDialog method, it is necessary to set the form's DialogResult property to close to form. This property can be set using the enum that's also called DialogResult. To close a form, you just need to set the form's DialogResult property (to any value by DialogResult.N...
The idea is to measure a layout before and after each change and if there is a significant change you can be somewhat certain that its the softkeyboard. // A variable to hold the last content layout hight private int mLastContentHeight = 0; private ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener keyboa...
/* * This design have some major issues * For each new shape added the unit testing * of the GraphicEditor should be redone * When a new type of shape is added the time * for adding it will be high since the developer * who add it should understand the logic * of the Gr...
/* * For each new shape added the unit testing * of the GraphicEditor should not be redone * No need to understand the sourcecode * from GraphicEditor. * Since the drawing code is moved to the * concrete shape classes, it's a reduced risk * to affect old functionallity when new * functionall...
You can capture the correct this using a closure. new Vue({ el:"#star-wars-people", data:{ people: null }, mounted: function(){ // Before executing the web service call, save this to a local variable var self = this; $.getJSON("http://swapi.co/api/peop...

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