Tutorial by Examples: co

// Java: String phrase = persons .stream() .filter(p -> p.age >= 18) .map(p -> p.name) .collect(Collectors.joining(" and ", "In Germany ", " are of legal age.")); System.out.println(phrase); // In Germany Max and Peter a...
// Java: Map<Integer, String> map = persons .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( p -> p.age, p -> p.name, (name1, name2) -> name1 + ";" + name2)); System.out.println(map); // {18=Max, 23=Peter;Pamela, ...
// Java (verbose): Collector<Person, StringJoiner, String> personNameCollector = Collector.of( () -> new StringJoiner(" | "), // supplier (j, p) -> j.add(p.name.toUpperCase()), // accumulator (j1, j2) -> j1.merge(j2), // c...
// Java: IntSummaryStatistics ageSummary = persons.stream() .collect(Collectors.summarizingInt(p -> p.age)); System.out.println(ageSummary); // IntSummaryStatistics{count=4, sum=76, min=12, average=19.000000, max=23} // Kotlin: // something to hold the stats... da...
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="/favicon.png"> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="/favicon.ico"> Use the mime-type image/png for PNG files and image/x-icon for icon (*.ico) files. For the difference...
If you want to graph two series on one graph, you can use the Merge function. This can also be combined with the Series function to manipulate the Y axis (like forcing it to start at zero). template graph.template { subject = ... body = `{{template "header" .}} <stro...
Scollector binaries for Windows, Mac, and Linux are available from the Bosun release page and can be saved to /opt/scollector/ or C:\Program Files\scollector\. The Scollector configuration file uses TOML v0.2.0 to specify various settings and defaults to being named scollector.toml in the same folde...
On Windows you can install Scollector as a service using the -winsvc="install" flag. On Mac and Linux you must manually create a service or init script. For example here is a basic systemd unit file: #Scollector unit file saved to /etc/systemd/system/scollector.service [Unit] Descriptio...
#Example of a PowerShell external collector. See http://bosun.org/scollector/external-collectors for details #This file should be saved in C:\Program Files\scollector\collectors\0\mymetrics.ps1 since it is a continuous output script #scollector.toml should have ColDir = 'C:\Program Files\scollecto...
The following can be saved as main.go. After you update the EDITME settings and build the executable it can be used as a continuous external collector. package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/url" "strconv" "time" &...
The following Go file can be compiled into a continuous external collector that will query a MSSQL server database that uses the StackExchange.Exceptional schema. It will query multiple servers/databases for all exceptions since UTC 00:00 to convert the raw entries into a counter. It also uses the b...
In case you have reverted back to a past commit and lost a newer commit you can recover the lost commit by running git reflog Then find your lost commit, and reset back to it by doing git reset HEAD --hard <sha1-of-commit>
In case you have accidentally commited a delete on a file and later realized that you need it back. First find the commit id of the commit that deleted your file. git log --diff-filter=D --summary Will give you a sorted summary of commits which deleted files. Then proceed to restore the file b...
To recover a deleted branch you need to find the commit which was the head of your deleted branch by running git reflog You can then recreate the branch by running git checkout -b <branch-name> <sha1-of-commit> You will not be able to recover deleted branches if git's garbage col...
var wsHost = "ws://my-sites-url.com/path/to/web-socket-handler"; var ws = new WebSocket(wsHost);
5.1 .some and .every allow a logical connective of Array values. While .some combines the return values with OR, .every combines them with AND. Examples for .some [false, false].some(function(value) { return value; }); // Result: false [false, true].some(function(value) { return value...
A newline can be included in a single-string or double-quoted string. Note that backslash-newline does not result in a newline, the line break is ignored. newline1=' ' newline2=" " newline3=$'\n' empty=\ echo "Line${newline1}break" echo "Line${newline2}break" ...
Variable substitutions should only be used inside double quotes. calculation='2 * 3' echo "$calculation" # prints 2 * 3 echo $calculation # prints 2, the list of files in the current directory, and 3 echo "$(($calculation))" # prints 6 Outside of doubl...
if [[ $file1 -ef $file2 ]]; then echo "$file1 and $file2 are the same file" fi “Same file” means that modifying one of the files in place affects the other. Two files can be the same even if they have different names, for example if they are hard links, or if they are symbolic links...
Numerical comparisons use the -eq operators and friends if [[ $num1 -eq $num2 ]]; then echo "$num1 == $num2" fi if [[ $num1 -le $num2 ]]; then echo "$num1 <= $num2" fi There are six numeric operators: -eq equal -ne not equal -le less or equal -lt less than ...

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