Tutorial by Examples: conf

An example of a configuration function in SQL is the @@SERVERNAME function. This function provides the name of the local server that's running SQL. SELECT @@SERVERNAME AS 'Server' ServerSQL064 In SQL, most data conversions occur implicitly, without any user intervention. To perform any convers...
When using the Oozie Proxy job submission API for submitting the Oozie Hive, Pig, and Sqoop actions. To pass any configuration to the action, is required to be in below format. For Hive action: oozie.hive.options.size : The number of options you'll be passing to Hive action. oozie.hive.options....
The following server-side configuration allows CORS request to work along with Windows Authentication (no anonymous must be enabled in IIS). web.config - allow unauthenticated (anonymous) preflight requests (OPTIONS) <system.web> <authentication mode="Windows" /> &l...
Inside of your {CATALINA_HOME}/conf/ folder exists a server.xml and context.xml file. Each one of these contains similar code, but references different parts of Tomcat to complete the same task. server.xml is server-wide configuration. This is where you can set up HTTPS, HTTP2, JNDI Resources, etc....
To include an icon font in your CSS, you can include the following code : @font-face { font-family: 'myfont'; src:url('fonts/myfont.eot?-td2xif'); src:url('fonts/myfont.eot?#iefix-td2xif') format('embedded-opentype'), url('fonts/myfont.woff?-td2xif') format('woff'), ...
To use an icon in your HTML, you can do each of the following : <!-- Method 1 --> <!--- * * * * * * * * * * * * --> <!-- Set a font-family for an entire HTML element --> <!-- Define your icon fonts in your CSS font-family after your regular fonts --> <!-- This means ...
The following is a list of popular icon fonts: Font Awesome Fontello Modern Pictograms Typicons Foundation Icon Fonts Pictonic Pictos
Create a build job (according to your requirement). For this example I have created a freestyle job (AutoPush) to perform ANT build. We are going to create two variables, PUSH (Choice Parameter) and TAG_NUMBER (String Parameter). We can choose the value YES or NO for PUSH, this will decide whether...
After installing Visual studio code configure .net core and C#. Configure C# based on market-place. Reference Url: C# market place .net core Launch Visual studio code. Press [ctrl + P] paste "ext install csharp" this and hit. Once done above steps , C# extension available i...
Add this text to appsettings.json { "key1": "value1", "key2": 2, "subsectionKey": { "suboption1": "subvalue1" } } Now you can use this configuration in your app, in the way like this public class Program { sta...
Create class like a class below public class MyOptions { public MyOptions() { // Set default value, if you need it. Key1 = "value1_from_ctor"; } public string Key1 { get; set; } public int Key2 { get; set; } } Then you need to add this code ...
This example has been taken from here package com.reborne.SmartHibernateConnector.utils; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; public class LiveHibernateConnector implements IHiber...
If you installed Laravel via Composer or the Laravel installer, below configuration you will need. Configuration for Apache Laravel includes a public/.htaccess file that is used to provide URLs without the index.php front controller in the path. Before serving Laravel with Apache, be sure to enabl...
Android now supports devices with 512MB of RAM. This documentation is intended to help OEMs optimize and configure Android 4.4 for low-memory devices. Several of these optimizations are generic enough that they can be applied to previous releases as well. Enable Low Ram Device flag We are introduc...
Internally, Django uses the Python logging system. There is many way to configure the logging of a project. Here is a base: LOGGING = { 'version': 1, 'disable_existing_loggers': False, 'formatters': { 'default': { 'format': "[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s [%(n...
After a while, you end up with many configuration items in your config.yml. It can make you configuration easier to read if you split your configuration across multiple files. You can easily include all files from a directory this way: config.yml: imports: - { resource: parameters.yml } ...
Create a new database. $ wp db create Drop an existing database. $ wp db drop --yes Reset the current database. $ wp db reset --yes Execute a SQL query stored in a file. $ wp db query < debug.sql
First, lets overview what we need in order to setup Hibernate correctly. @EnableTransactionManagement and @EnableJpaRepositories - we want transactional management and to use spring data repositories. DataSource - main datasource for the application. using in-memory h2 for this example. LocalCo...
NPM If external library like jQuery is installed using NPM npm install --save jquery Add script path into your angular-cli.json "scripts": [ "../node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.js" ] Assets Folder You can also save the library file in your assets/js directory and in...

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