Tutorial by Examples: copy

An existing working copy can be quickly transformed to reflect the contents of a different branch in the same repository. For example, you might have a working copy of the trunk and now need to work on a development branch. Instead of checking out a completely new working copy (which can waste a l...
One favored approach to deploying to a server is to use Git or GitHub. This basically involves logging into your server, moving to the directory you want to run your app from, then cloning your files directly from GitHub. You then build your app on the server. This approach ensures that platform spe...
Alternatively, you may want to build your application, and then deploy it.. cd myapp meteor build --directory ../output cd .. scp output -r username@destination_host:/var/www/myapp-production
'Trim the leading and trailing spaces in a string Const paddedText As String = " Foo Bar " Dim trimmedText As String trimmedText = Trim$(paddedText) 'trimmedText = "Foo Bar"
Default behavior when cloning an object is to perform a shallow copy of the object's fields. In that case, both the original object and the cloned object, hold references to the same objects. This example shows that behavior. import java.util.List; public class Sheep implements Cloneable { ...
To copy nested objects, a deep copy must be performed, as shown in this example. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class Sheep implements Cloneable { private String name; private int weight; private List<Sheep> children; public Sheep(Str...
- name: copy ssl key/cert/ssl_include files copy: src=files/ssl/{{ item }} dest=/etc/apache2/ssl/ with_items: - g_chain.crt - server.crt - server.key - ssl_vhost.inc
We can directly copy data from a source to a data sink using a loop. In this example, we are reading data from an InputStream and at the same time, writing to an OutputStream. Once we are done reading and writing, we have to close the resource. public void copy(InputStream source, OutputStream dest...
Mongo supports database-to-database copying, which is useful if you have large databases on a staging database that you want to copy into a local development instance. // run mongod so we can create a staging database // note that this is a separate instance from the meteor mongo and minimongo ins...
We can use Channel to copy file content faster. To do so, we can use transferTo() method of FileChannel . import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.nio.channels.FileChannel; public class FileCopier { ...
The angular.copy function takes an object, array or a value and creates a deep copy of it. angular.copy() Example: Objects: let obj = {name: "vespa", occupation: "princess"}; let cpy = angular.copy(obj); cpy.name = "yogurt" // obj = {name: "vespa", ...
Copying a partial array with the static Array.Copy() method, beginning at index 0 in both, source and destination: var sourceArray = new int[] { 11, 12, 3, 5, 2, 9, 28, 17 }; var destinationArray= new int[3]; Array.Copy(sourceArray, destinationArray, 3); // destinationArray will have 11,12 and...
public class Sheep { private String name; private int weight; public Sheep(String name, int weight) { this.name = name; this.weight = weight; } public static Sheep newInstance(Sheep other); return new Sheep(other.name, other.wei...
# example data DT1 = data.table(x = letters[1:2], y = 1:2, z = (1:2) > 3) Due to the way data.tables are manipulated, DT2 <- DT1 will not make a copy. That is, later modifications to the columns or other attributes of DT2 will affect DT1 as well. When you want a real copy, use DT2 = copy(...
Ionic 1.2 officially supports deployment as a website If you're not using any Cordova plugins then there is no problem (if you really wish to) to upload the contents of the www folder to your server, and woila - you'll have the same app. However, it is important to note that Ionic 1 never intended...
Copy foo.txt from /path/to/source/ to /path/to/target/folder/ cp /path/to/source/foo.txt /path/to/target/folder/ Copy foo.txt from /path/to/source/ to /path/to/target/folder/ into a file called bar.txt cp /path/to/source/foo.txt /path/to/target/folder/bar.txt
copy folder foo into folder bar cp -r /path/to/foo /path/to/bar if folder bar exists before issuing the command, then foo and its content will be copied into the folder bar. However, if bar does not exist before issuing the command, then the folder bar will be created and the content of foo wil...
This function copies data between two streams - void copy(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException { byte[] buffer = new byte[8192]; while ((bytesRead = in.read(buffer)) > 0) { out.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } } Example - // reading from System.in and ...
std::ifstream src("source_filename", std::ios::binary); std::ofstream dst("dest_filename", std::ios::binary); dst << src.rdbuf(); C++17 With C++17 the standard way to copy a file is including the <filesystem> header and using copy_file: std::fileystem::copy...
File static class File static class can be easily used for this purpose. File.Copy(@"sourcePath\abc.txt", @"destinationPath\abc.txt"); File.Copy(@"sourcePath\abc.txt", @"destinationPath\xyz.txt"); Remark: By this method, file is copied, meaning that it w...

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