Tutorial by Examples: dev

To install Eclipse RCP follow the steps : Download Eclipse RCP/RAP version from Eclipse.org Eclipse RCP/RAP project downloading URL
When SQL/Plus or SQL Developer display dates they will perform an implicit conversion to a string using the default date format model (see the Setting the Default Date Format Model example). You can change how a date is displayed by changing the NLS_DATE_FORMAT parameter.
This will give current system version. Objective-C NSString *version = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] Swift let version = UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion Swift 3 let version = UIDevice.current.systemVersion
Let's start with example. Here is a very simple example HTML. Example HTML <html> <head> </head> <body> <ul> <li> <a href="some_url/">Link 1</a> </li> &l...
private static final int REQUEST_DISCOVERABLE_BT = 2; // Unique request code private static final int DISCOVERABLE_DURATION = 120; // Discoverable duration time in seconds // 0 means always discoverable ...
Declare a BluetoothAdapter first. BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter; Now create a BroadcastReceiver for ACTION_FOUND private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { String action = intent.getAction(); //...
GridViews allow commands to be sent from a GridView row. This is useful for passing row-specific information into an event handler as command arguments. To subscribe to a command event: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" ... OnRowCommand="GridView1_RowCommand"> Buttons are t...
1. Target a device by serial number Use the -s option followed by a device name to select on which device the adb command should run. The -s options should be first in line, before the command. adb -s <device> <command> Example: adb devices List of devices attached emulator-55...
Listing available remote versions for installation nvm ls-remote Installing a remote version nvm install <version> For example nvm install 0.10.13
To list available local versions of node through NVM: nvm ls For example, if nvm ls returns: $ nvm ls v4.3.0 v5.5.0 You can switch to v5.5.0 with: nvm use v5.5.0
The double-colon syntax of names in the use statement looks similar to names used elsewhere in the code, but meaning of these paths is different. Names in the use statement by default are interpreted as absolute, starting at the crate root. Names elsewhere in the code are relative to the current mo...
Screen shot: Option 1 (pure adb) The shell adb command allows us to execute commands using a device's built-in shell. The screencap shell command captures the content currently visible on a device and saves it into a given image file, e.g. /sdcard/screen.png: adb shell screencap /sdcard/screen.png...
XML <Galaxy> <Light>sun</Light> <Device>satellite</Device> <Sensor>human</Sensor> <Name>Milky Way</Name> </Galaxy> XPATH /Galaxy/*[local-name()='Light' or local-name()='Device' or local-name()='Sensor'] or //*[...
Visual Studio Code is an open-source and feature-rich code editor from Microsoft. To set it up it for NativeScript development, open the Command Palette (F1 or ⌘+Shift+P) and type ext install NativeScript. Once the NativeScript extension is installed, the debugger should allow you to set breakpoint...
Enable USB Debugging on your device and from command line type adb devices. If everything is OK, the response should be: List of devices attached 1234567890 device Where 1234567890 is the device's id. If multiple devices are connected, you should see all of them: List of devices at...
# install node-inspector terminal-a$ npm install -g node-inspector # start meteor terminal-a$ cd helloworld terminal-a$ NODE_OPTIONS='--debug-brk --debug' mrt run # alternatively, some people report this syntax being better terminal-a$ sudo NODE_OPTIONS='--debug' ROOT_URL=http://hellow...
To activate the developer mode: Log in to the ODOO front end Click on the User Name drop down at the top-right side Select 'About' Click on 'Activate developer mode' from the pop-up window.
This is very common, you memorize a path to a file or folder, you open up Vim and try to write what you've just memorized, but you are not 100% sure it's correct, so you close the editor and start over. When you want the path completion feature, and you have a file /home/ubuntu/my_folder/my_file a...
In elm, a function's value is computed when the last argument is applied. In the example below, the diagnostic from log will be printed when f is invoked with 3 arguments or a curried form of f is applied with the last argument. import String import Debug exposing (log) f a b c = String.join &...
Like any other java program, every swing program starts with a main method. The main method is initiated by the main thread. However, Swing components need to be created and updated on the event dispatch thread (or short: EDT). To illustrate the dynamic between the main thread and the EDT take a loo...

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