Tutorial by Examples: di

Objective-C NSURL *url = [[NSURL alloc] initWithString:@"YOUR URL"]; // url can be remote or local AVPlayer *player = [AVPlayer playerWithURL:url]; // create a player view controller AVPlayerViewController *controller = [[AVPlayerViewController alloc] init]; [self presentViewC...
avg_fragmentation_in_percent valueCorrective statement>5% and < = 30%REORGANIZE>30%REBUILD ALTER INDEX IX_NonClustered ON tableName REORGANIZE; ALTER INDEX ALL ON Production.Product REBUILD WITH (FILLFACTOR = 80, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = ON, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = ON);
Document level It is on by default, but you can set it by placing Option Infer On|Off at the top of the code file. The option will apply to the whole document. Project level You can switch it on/off via the menu in Visual Studio: Project > [Project] Properties > Compile Tab > Option i...
Orders a collection by a specified value. When the value is an integer, double or float it starts with the maximal value, which means that you get first the positive values, than zero and afterwords the negative values (see Example 1). When you order by a char the method compares the ascii val...
How to use conditional execution of command lists Any builtin command, expression, or function, as well as any external command or script can be executed conditionally using the &&(and) and ||(or) operators. For example, this will only print the current directory if the cd command was succ...
def lst = [10, 20, 30, 40] lst.find { it > 25 } // 30. Note: it returns a single value
SELECT * INTO NewTable FROM OldTable Creates a new table with structure of old table and inserts all rows into the new table. Some Restrictions You cannot specify a table variable or table-valued parameter as the new table. You cannot use SELECT…INTO to create a partitioned table, even whe...
To preload remote images and ensure that the image is only downloaded once: Glide.with(context) .load(yourUrl) .diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.SOURCE) .preload(); Then: Glide.with(context) .load(yourUrl) .diskCacheStrategy(DiskCacheStrategy.SOURCE) // ALL works her...
Sometimes it may be useful to have a specific asBoolean definition in your own program for some kind of objects. /** an oversimplified robot controller */ class RunController { def complexCondition int position = 0 def asBoolean() { return complexCondition(this...
HTML template files are always loaded before everything else Files beginning with main. are loaded last Files inside any lib/ directory are loaded next Files with deeper paths are loaded next Files are then loaded in alphabetical order of the entire path Reference Link Reference page: Mete...
The following example will log all of your collection queries to the server console in realtime. Meteor.startup( function () { var wrappedFind = Meteor.Collection.prototype.find; // console.log('[startup] wrapping Collection.find') Meteor.Collection.prot...
Texttastic Code Editor - Code editor with syntax highlighting for iOS devices. Working Copy - Clone Github repositories to your iPad and code on the go. CodeHub - Browse and maintain your GitHub repositories. Management tool. iOctocat - Social utility for following Github projects. iMockups fo...
If you want to xcopy files with specific type to a new folder keeping the current folder structure you need only to do this xcopy [SourcePath]*.mp3 [DestinationPath] /sy
The using of net.sf.jasperreports.export.xls.auto.filter property allow to add autofilter in generated xls file. <columnHeader> <band height="30" splitType="Stretch"> <staticText> <reportElement x="0" y="0" widt...
By Default, powershell would return the output to the calling Entity. Consider Below Example, Get-Process -Name excel This would simply, return the running process which matches the name excel, to the calling entity. In this case, the PowerShell Host. It prints something like, Handles NPM(K...
"MySQL Cluster" disambiguation... NDB Cluster -- A specialized, mostly in-memory, engine. Not widely used. Galera Cluster aka Percona XtraDB Cluster aka PXC aka MariaDB with Galera. -- A very good High Availability solution for MySQL; it goes beyond Replication. See individual page...
A regex pattern where a DOTALL modifier (in most regex flavors expressed with s) changes the behavior of . enabling it to match a newline (LF) symbol: /cat (.*?) dog/s This Perl-style regex will match a string like "cat fled from\na dog" capturing "fled from\na" into Group 1....
Another example is a MULTILINE modifier (usually expressed with m flag (not in Oniguruma (e.g. Ruby) that uses m to denote a DOTALL modifier)) that makes ^ and $ anchors match the start/end of a line, not the start/end of the whole string. /^My Line \d+$/gm will find all lines that start with My...
The common modifier to ignore case is i: /fog/i will match Fog, foG, etc. The inline version of the modifier looks like (?i). Notes: In Java, by default, case-insensitive matching assumes that only characters in the US-ASCII charset are being matched. Unicode-aware case-insensitive matching c...
The modifier that allows using whitespace inside some parts of the pattern to format it for better readability and to allow comments starting with #: /(?x)^ # start of string (?=\D*\d) # the string should contain at least 1 digit (?!\d+$) # the string cannot consist of digi...

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