Tutorial by Examples: directory

Using a Virtual Directory or Nested Application in IIS is a common scenario and most likely one that you'll want to take advantage of when using IISNode. IISNode doesn't provide direct support for Virtual Directories or Nested Applications via configuration so to achieve this we'll need to take adv...
The per-directory context is a part of the static configuration file between <Directory> and </Directory> tags. The entire content of dynamic configuration files is within the per-directory context of the folder in which the .htaccess resides. RewriteRule's in per-directory context matc...
A common question among new Angular programmers - "What should be the structure of the project?". A good structure helps toward a scalable application development. When we start a project we have two choices, Sort By Type (left) and Sort By Feature (right). The second is better, especially...
<PropertyGroup> <DirectoryToCreate>NewDirectory</DirectoryToCreate> </PropertyGroup> <MakeDir Directories="$(DirectoryToCreate)" />
<PropertyGroup> <DirectoryToRemove>TempData</DirectoryToRemove> </PropertyGroup> <RemoveDir Directories="$(DirectoryToRemove)" />
To add for instance a directory scripts to the distribution package: Add to the project a folder scripts On top of the build.sbt, add: import NativePackagerHelper._ In build.sbt, add a mapping to the new directory: mappings in Universal ++= directory("scripts") B...
Extract all file contents of a zip file import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile('zipfile.zip','r') as zfile: zfile.extractall('path') If you want extract single files use extract method, it takes name list and path as input parameter import zipfile f=open('zipfile.zip','rb') zfile=zipfile.Z...
The standard structure for a project built by SBT is: projectName/ build.sbt project/ <SBT sub-build information> src/ main/ scala/ <Scala source files> java/ <Java source files> resources/ ...
For the current shell, this takes you to the previous directory that you were in, no matter where it was. cd - Doing it multiple times effectively "toggles" you being in the current directory or the previous one.
The default directory is the home directory ($HOME, typically /home/username), so cd without any directory takes you there cd Or you could be more explicit: cd $HOME A shortcut for the home directory is ~, so that could be used as well. cd ~
// Set up Express var express = require('express'); var app = express(); // Serve files from the absolute path of the directory app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); // Start Express server app.listen(3030);
// Set up Express var express = require('express'); var app = express(); /* Serve from the absolute path of the directory that you want to serve with a */ virtual path prefix app.use('/static', express.static(__dirname + '/public')); // Start Express server app.listen(3030);
Format and Usage: echo %cd% %cd% is a system variable that contains the current directory path
Format: cd "<path>" Example: cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office" cd is an abbreviation for chdir and the two commands behave in the exact same way. For the sake of consistency, cd will be used throughout this topic. To navigate to the directory one leve...
cd by itself will not allow a user to move between drives. To move to a different drive, the /d option must be specified. e.g. Moving from C:\Users\jdoe\Desktop to D:\Office Work cd /d "D:\Office Work"
Usage to list all folders and files in the current directory: dir A target directory can also be specified: dir C:\TargetPath When specifying a path with spaces, it must be surrounded by quotes: dir "C:\Path With Spaces"
ll | grep ^- | awk -F"." '{print $2 "." $3}' | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | awk '{$1=""; print $0}' | cut -c2- | awk -F"." '{print "mkdir ""$1"";mv ""$1"."$2"" ""$1"""}' >...
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${project.build.directory}") private File buildDirectory;
Format: cd/ cd/ is set to change the current directory back to the root of the current drive
First Add Storage permission to read/fetch device directory. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" /> Create model class //create one directory model ...

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