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Apache Maven
Getting started with Apache Maven
Access Maven informations in code
Create a Maven Plugin
Accessing the project information
Creating a goal
Declare a default phase for a goal
Declaring a Maven artifact as a Maven plugin
Get the build directory as a file
Using plugin configuration
Eclipse integration
Generate FIXME/TODO reports using the taglist-maven-plugin
Maven Assembly Plugin
Maven Build Cycle
Maven EAR plugin
Maven install in window
Maven Surefire Plugin
Maven Tomcat Plugin
Perform a Release
POM - Project Object Model
Apache Maven
Getting started with Apache Maven
Access Maven informations in code
Create a Maven Plugin
Accessing the project information
Creating a goal
Declare a default phase for a goal
Declaring a Maven artifact as a Maven plugin
Get the build directory as a file
Using plugin configuration
Eclipse integration
Generate FIXME/TODO reports using the taglist-maven-plugin
Maven Assembly Plugin
Maven Build Cycle
Maven EAR plugin
Maven install in window
Maven Surefire Plugin
Maven Tomcat Plugin
Perform a Release
POM - Project Object Model
Apache Maven
Create a Maven Plugin
Get the build directory as a file
Fastest Entity Framework Extensions
Bulk Insert
Bulk Delete
Bulk Update
Bulk Merge
@Parameter(defaultValue = "${}") private File buildDirectory;
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Apache Maven
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