Tutorial by Examples: ect

In order to be able to directly deploy web project changes to an Web Server, the following steps must be followed. If target server has Internet access, the process is quite simple, as Microsoft has a Web Platform package to do almost everything that is needed. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Progra...
import com.couchbase.client.core.endpoint.SSLEngineFactory import com.couchbase.client.java.env.DefaultCouchbaseEnvironment import com.couchbase.client.java.CouchbaseCluster object CouchbaseConnection extends App { //Create default environment object. //Set the keystone file path(downlo...
Fully configuration of Web deployment without Internet connection (offline) is harder to make because Web platform installer (UI) operates by querying packages list and content from an Internet location. Cleanup Make sure that C:\Program Files\IIS does not contain older version of Microsoft We...
This method is to check data connection by ping certain IP or Domain name. public Boolean isDataConnected() { try { Process p1 = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ping -c 1"); int returnVal = p1.waitFor(); boolean reachable = (returnVal==0); ...
public static boolean isConnectedNetwork (Context context) { ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); return cm.getActiveNetworkInfo () != null && cm.getActiveNetworkInfo ().isConnectedOrConnecting (); ...
The request object provides information on the request that was made to the route. To utilize this object, it must be imported from the flask module: from flask import request URL Parameters In previous examples request.method and request.form were used, however we can also use the request.args...
The traditional GLSL compilation model involves compiling code for a shader stage into a shader object, then linking multiple shader objects (covering all of the stages you want to use) into a single program object. Since 4.2, program objects can be created that have only one shader stage. This met...
The old good Java object serialization is available for you in Android. you can define Serializable classes like: class Cirle implements Serializable { final int radius; final String name; Circle(int radius, int name) { this.radius = radius; this.name = name; }...
Along with other more advanced text editors, Atom allows developers to open a single file or a directory. Opening Files To open files with Atom, either use File > Open File... in the menu as show below: or use the faster keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+O (For Mac OS: ⌘+O). This will open a file expl...
TypeScript supports interfaces, but the compiler outputs JavaScript, which doesn't. Therefore, interfaces are effectively lost in the compile step. This is why type checking on interfaces relies on the shape of the object - meaning whether the object supports the fields and functions on the interfac...
Create separate files for header and footer(as they are common for all the pages and it does not make sense to make them a part of a single page) Keep common elements(Like Search/Back/Next etc) in separate file(The idea is to remove any kind of duplication and keeping the segregation logical) Fo...
@RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) public class MyActivityTest { @Test public void clickingButton_shouldChangeResultsViewText() throws Exception { MyActivity activity = Robolectric.setupActivity(MyActivity.class); Button button = (Button) activity.findViewById(R.id.button); ...
BlackjackHand blackjackHand = new BlackjackHand( new Card('6', SPADES), Arrays.asList(new Card('4', CLUBS), new Card('A', HEARTS))); Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder().build(); JsonAdapter<BlackjackHand> jsonAdapter = moshi.adapter(BlackjackHand.class); String json = jsonAdapte...
using Newtonsoft.Json; var obj = new Person { Name = "Joe Smith", Age = 21 }; var serializedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(obj); This results in this JSON: {"Name":"Joe Smith","Age":21}
var json = "{\"Name\":\"Joe Smith\",\"Age\":21}"; var person = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Person>(json); This yields a Person object with Name "Joe Smith" and Age 21.
This assumes you have installed both Eclipse and SBT. Install the SBT plugin for Eclipse from the Eclipse marketplace. In the command line switch directory to the root directory of the project. $ cd ~/home/sample/project Execute sbt, which will load the project. $ sbt Compile t...
Occasionally we see StackOverflow Java questions (and C or C++ questions) that ask what something like this: i += a[i++] + b[i--]; evaluates to ... for some known initial states of i, a and b. Generally speaking: for Java the answer is always specified1, but non-obvious, and often difficult ...
StrictMode.setVmPolicy(new StrictMode.VmPolicy.Builder() .detectActivityLeaks() .detectLeakedClosableObjects() .penaltyLog() .build());
Structs may be used to implement code in an object oriented manner. A struct is similar to a class, but is missing the functions which normally also form part of a class, we can add these as function pointer member variables. To stay with our coordinates example: /* coordinates.h */ typedef stru...

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