Tutorial by Examples: ee

Although Catch ex As Exception claims that it can handle all exceptions - there are one exception (no pun intended). Imports System Static Sub StackOverflow() ' Again no pun intended StackOverflow() End Sub Static Sub Main() Try StackOverflow() Catch ex As Exception ...
Create a service- import {EventEmitter} from 'angular2/core'; export class NavService { navchange: EventEmitter<number> = new EventEmitter(); constructor() {} emitNavChangeEvent(number) { this.navchange.emit(number); } getNavChangeEmitter() { return...
A live example for this can be found here.
Let's say we want to eliminate duplicated subsequence element from a string (it can be more than one). For example: 2,14,14,14,19 and convert it into: 2,14,19 Using gsub, we can achieve it: gsub("(\\d+)(,\\1)+","\\1", "2,14,14,14,19") [1] "2,14,19" ...
Code <picture> <source media="(min-width: 600px)" srcset="large_image.jpg"> <source media="(min-width: 450px)" srcset="small_image.jpg"> <img src="default_image.jpg" style="width:auto;"> </picture> ...
There are many responsive scenarios where it's necessary to have column units exceeding 12 in a single .row element. This is known as column wrapping. If more than 12 columns are placed within a single row, each group of extra columns will, as one unit, wrap onto a new line. For example, cons...
var EmberApp = require('ember-cli/lib/broccoli/ember-app'); module.exports = function(defaults) { var app = new EmberApp(defaults, { // Add options here datatables: { core: true, style: 'bs', extensions: [ { name: 'buttons', extensions: ['colVi...
Step 1 - installing VirtualBox Download and install VirtualBox according to your operating system. , it is required to run Genymotion. Step 2 - downloading Genymotion Go to the Genymotion download page and download Genymotion according to your operating system. Note: you will need to create a ...
Using the magick command (or `convert for IM 6.x users) you con convert any image format to any other. with no other arguments, as little processing as possible will be done to move from one format to the other. Simply specify your input and output files. To convert a JPEG to a PNG: $ magick image....
Most examples show instantiating and holding a LazySingleton object until the owning application has terminated, even if that object is no longer needed by the application. A solution to this is to implement IDisposable and set the object instance to null as follows: public class LazySingleton : ID...
Let's say we have some server that registers new users and greets them with some message. And we want to monitor this server and change some of it's parameters. First, we need an interface with our monitoring and control methods public interface UserCounterMBean { long getSleepTime(); ...
The Entity Framework library comes only with an SQL Server provider. To use SQLite will require additional dependencies and configuration. All required dependencies are available on NuGet. Install SQLite Managed Libraries All of the mananged depedencies can be installed using the NuGet Package Man...
AWS-SDK for javascript Lambda contains aws-sdk (https://aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-node-js/) in its global so no need to upload this node-module into the zip. const AWS = require('aws-sdk'); Sample function module.exports.myFunction = (event, context, callback) => { const response = { ...
The following is an example of using an user-defined function to be called multiple(∞) times in a script with ease. import turtle, time, random #tell python we need 3 different modules turtle.speed(0) #set draw speed to the fastest turtle.colormode(255) #special colormode turtle.pensize(4) #siz...
The minimum required files and folders for the phonegap-build project are: ─ www ├─ res │ ├─ icon │ │ ├─ android │ │ ├─ ios │ │ ├─ windows-phone │ │ &...
A splash screen is just like any other activity, but it can handle all of your startup-needs in the background. Example: Manifest: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="...
These exceptions are caused when the type of some object should be different TypeError: [definition/method] takes ? positional arguments but ? was given A function or method was called with more (or less) arguments than the ones it can accept. Example If more arguments are given: def foo(a): re...
This example shows a simple but effective splash screen with animation that can be created by using Android Studio. Step 1: Create an animation Create a new directory named anim in the res directory. Right-click it and create a new Animation Resource file named fade_in.xml: Then, put the follow...
If you try and create a recursive enum in Rust without using Box, you will get a compile time error saying that the enum can't be sized. // This gives an error! enum List { Nil, Cons(i32, List) } In order for the enum to have a defined size, the recursively contained value must be in...
Is raised when you tried to use a variable, method or function that is not initialized (at least not before). In other words, it is raised when a requested local or global name is not found. It's possible that you misspelt the name of the object or forgot to import something. Also maybe it's in anot...

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