Tutorial by Examples

To use Vagrant on Windows platform you need to install virtualization software and an ssh command-line tool first. This example will use freeware VirtualBox and Cygwin. Install VirtualBox Download the latest VirtualBox version from the official download page and run the downloaded file. Note that ...
In this example a custom LAMP project development environment is created with Vagrant. First of all you will need to install Virtual Box and Vagrant. Then, create a vagrant folder in your home directory, open your terminal and change the current directory to the new vagrant directory. Now, execute...
You have a local vagrant box that you want to upload to Amazon AWS. First, you need to create a .box file: vagrant package --base my-virtual-machine This step should take a while depending on the size of your image. Then, you need to get the .vmdk image from the .box file: gunzip -S .box packag...
Step 1. In your host machine (Windows/Linux/OSX), create an empty dir my_project. Step 2. Create a file named Vagrantfile with this: Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.vm.box = "gbarbieru/xenial" #An Ubuntu 16.04 based image config.vm.hostname = "my_project&...
For syncing all folders in both direction, insert this into your Vagrantfile config.vm.synced_folder "my-project1", "/home/vagrant/my-project1"
For syncing all folders in both direction, insert this into your Vagrantfile: config.vm.synced_folder "my-project1", "/home/vagrant/my-project1", type: "rsync", :rsync__exclude => ['my-project1/mini_project2/target,my-project1/mini_project2/target,my-project1/mini...

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