Tutorial by Examples

Step 1: Install the SDK You can install the SDK manually or via CocoaPods. The latter option is highly recommended. Put these lines in Podfile: target 'MyApp' do use_frameworks! pod 'FBSDKCoreKit' pod 'FBSDKLoginKit' pod 'FBSDKShareKit' end Run pod install in the terminal and op...
Sometimes we want to design our own UI for "Sign In With Facebook" button instead of the original button that comes with FacebookSDK. In your storyboard, drag your UIButton and set it however you want it to be. Ctrl + drag your button to your view controller as IBAction. Inside the IB...
After the user signed in to Facebook at your app, now it's time to fetch the data you requested at the FBButton.readPermissions. Swift: enum FacebookParametesField : String { case FIELDS_KEY = "fields" case FIELDS_VALUE = "id, email, picture, first_name, last_name" ...

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