Tutorial by Examples

A typical use case for SpriteKit is where the SKView fills the whole screen. To do this in Xcode's Interface Builder, first create a normal ViewController, then select the contained view and change its Class from UIView to SKView: Within the code for the View Controller, in the viewDidLoad metho...
The current frame rate (in FPS, Frames Per Second) and total number of SKNodes in the scene (nodeCount, each sprite is an SKNode but other objects in the scene are also SKNodes) can be shown in the bottom right hand corner of the view. These can be useful when turned on (set to true) for debugging ...
An SKView does not need to fill the whole screen and can share space with other UI controls. You can even have more than one SKView displayed at once if you wish. To create a smaller SKView amongst other controls with Interface Builder, first create a normal ViewController, then drag and drop a new...

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