Tutorial by Examples

Arithmetic operators in C++ have the same precedence as they do in mathematics: Multiplication and division have left associativity(meaning that they will be evaluated from left to right) and they have higher precedence than addition and subtraction, which also have left associativity. We can also...
These operators have the usual precedence in C++: AND before OR. // You can drive with a foreign license for up to 60 days bool can_drive = has_domestic_license || has_foreign_license && num_days <= 60; This code is equivalent to the following: // You can drive with a foreign licens...
&& has precedence over ||, this means that parentheses are placed to evaluate what would be evaluated together. c++ uses short-circuit evaluation in && and || to not do unnecessary executions. If the left hand side of || returns true the right hand side does not need to be evaluate...
Unary operators act on the object upon which they are called and have high precedence. (See Remarks) When used postfix, the action occurs only after the entire operation is evaluated, leading to some interesting arithmetics: int a = 1; ++a; // result: 2 a--; // result: 1 i...

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