Tutorial by Examples

Every tag has an overview topic. This topic has a special section named "Versions". In that section, different versions can be defined in a table that has that should have at least 2 columns: the first one should be the name of the version the last one should be the release ...
For some tags it makes sense to have multiple version tables. There might be different subsets of a programming language or framework available, say for different device types as in this example. The different tables should be prefaced with a heading. This markup: ## desktop development kit ## ...
A topic might only apply to certain versions. When creating a new topic, the appropriate versions can be chosen in the title section of the topic. In the following example .NET 2.0, 4.0, 4.5.1; Compact Framework 3.7 and Micro Framework 4.2 are selected. This selection will show up next to the to...
An example cannot be associated with a version number directly. Parts of it can however be declared to apply only for certain versions. <!-- if version [eq Java SE 1.3] --> This content is for Java SE 1.3 <!-- end version if -->
If there are many version tables, the title of the desired one has to be included in angle brackets. <!-- if version <Micro Framework> [eq 4.4] --> This content is for Micro Framework 4.4 <!-- end version if -->
The markdown help states Available conditionals are gt, gte, lt, lte, eq, and neq. <!-- if version [eq C++03] --> eq equal to <!-- end version if --> <!-- if version [neq C++03] --> neq not equal to <!-- end version if --> <!-- if version [gt C++03] -...
Multiple conditions can be used. <!-- if version [lte 1.2.0] [gt 1.3.12] [gt 1.4.9] [neq 1.2.0] [eq 1.5.7] --> content <!-- end version if -->

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