Tutorial by Examples

Bosun alerts are defined in the config file using a custom DSL. They use functions to evaluate time series data and will generate alerts when the warn or crit expressions are non-zero. Alerts use templates to include additional information in the notifications, which are usually an email message and...
Here is an example of a Bosun config file used in a development environment: tsdbHost = localhost:4242 httpListen = :8070 smtpHost = localhost:25 emailFrom = [email protected] timeAndDate = 202,75,179,136 ledisDir = ../ledis_data checkFrequency = 5m notification example.notification { ...
The quick start guide includes information about using Docker to stand up a Bosun instance. $ docker run -d -p 4242:4242 -p 80:8070 stackexchange/bosun This will create a new instance of Bosun which you can access by opening a browser to http://docker-server-ip. The docker image includes HBase/O...

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