Tutorial by Examples

Variables in Go are always initialized whether you give them a starting value or not. Each type, including custom types, has a zero value they are set to if not given a value. var myString string // "" - an empty string var myInt int64 // 0 - applies to all types of int an...
In slices the zero value is an empty slice. var myIntSlice []int // [] - an empty slice Use make to create a slice populated with values, any values created in the slice are set to the zero value of the type of the slice. For instance: myIntSlice := make([]int, 5) // [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] - a s...
When creating a struct without initializing it, each field of the struct is initialized to its respective zero value. type ZeroStruct struct { myString string myInt int64 myBool bool } func main() { var myZero = ZeroStruct{} fmt.Printf("Zero values are: %q, %d...
As per the Go blog: Arrays do not need to be initialized explicitly; the zero value of an array is a ready-to-use array whose elements are themselves zeroed For example, myIntArray is initialized with the zero value of int, which is 0: var myIntArray [5]int // an array of five 0's: [0, 0,...

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