Tutorial by Examples

/** * A SuiteScript 1.0 example of using nlapiSubmitField to update a single field on a related record */ // From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue("entity"); // Set a comment on the Customer record nlapiSubmitField("customer", c...
/** * A SuiteScript 1.0 example of using nlapiSubmitField to update multiple fields on a related record */ // From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID var customerId = nlapiGetFieldValue("entity"); // Set a Comment and update the Budget Approved field on the Customer record nlap...
/** * A SuiteScript 2.0 example of using N/record#submitFields to update a single field on a related record */ require(["N/record", "N/currentRecord"], function (r, cr) { // From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID var customerId = cr.get().getValue({"field...
/** * A SuiteScript 2.0 example of using N/record#submitFields to update multiple fields on a related record */ require(["N/record", "N/currentRecord"], function (r, cr) { // From a Sales Order, get the Customer ID var customerId = cr.get().getValue({"fiel...

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