Tutorial by Examples: abs

Unlike interfaces, which can be described as contracts for implementation, abstract classes act as contracts for extension. An abstract class cannot be instantiated, it must be extended and the resulting class (or derived class) can then be instantiated. Abstract classes are used to provide generi...
An abstract class is a class marked with the abstract keyword. It, contrary to non-abstract class, may contain abstract - implementation-less - methods. It is, however, valid to create an abstract class without abstract methods. An abstract class cannot be instantiated. It can be sub-classed (exten...
Operands of the abstract equality operator are compared after being converted to a common type. How this conversion happens is based on the specification of the operator: Specification for the == operator: 7.2.13 Abstract Equality Comparison The comparison x == y, where x and y are values, prod...
The Problem The abstract equality and inequality operators (== and !=) convert their operands if the operand types do not match. This type coercion is a common source of confusion about the results of these operators, in particular, these operators aren't always transitive as one would expect. &...
Any Chrome extension starts as an unpacked extension: a folder containing the extension's files. One file it must contain is manifest.json, which describes the basic properties of the extension. Many of the properties in that file are optional, but here is an absolute minimum manifest.json file: ...
A class marked with the keyword abstract cannot be instantiated. A class must be marked as abstract if it contains abstract members or if it inherits abstract members that it doesn't implement. A class may be marked as abstract even if no abstract members are involved. Abstract classes are usually...
manifest.json gives information about the extension, such as the most important files and the capabilities that the extension might use. Among the supported manifest fields for extensions, the following three are required. { "manifest_version": 2, "name": "My Exte...
Enums can define abstract methods, which each enum member is required to implement. enum Action { DODGE { public boolean execute(Player player) { return player.isAttacking(); } }, ATTACK { public boolean execute(Player player) { re...
Working in old browsers (IE >= 8) Automatic margins, paired with values of zero for the left and right or top and bottom offsets, will center an absolutely positioned elements within its parent. View Result HTML <div class="parent"> <img class="center" src=&quo...
When absolute positioning is used the box of the desired element is taken out of the Normal Flow and it no longer affects the position of the other elements on the page. Offset properties: top left right bottom specify the element should appear in relation to its next non-static containing ...
Implementations in classes, including abstract declarations, take precedence over all interface defaults. Abstract class method takes precedence over Interface Default Method. public interface Swim { default void backStroke() { System.out.println("Swim.backStroke"); ...
Use os.path.abspath: >>> os.getcwd() '/Users/csaftoiu/tmp' >>> os.path.abspath('foo') '/Users/csaftoiu/tmp/foo' >>> os.path.abspath('../foo') '/Users/csaftoiu/foo' >>> os.path.abspath('/foo') '/foo'
4.0.3 Using a CustomTabsIntent, it is now possible to configure Chrome custom tabs in order to customize key UI components in the browser that is opened from your app. This is a good alternative to using a WebView for some cases. It allows loading of a web page with an Intent, with the added abil...
In XML, element and attribute names live in namespaces. By default, they are in no namespace: <?xml version="1.0"?> <foo attr="value"> <!-- the foo element is in no namespace, neither is the attr attribute --> </foo>
An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated. Abstract classes can define abstract methods, which are methods without any body, only a definition: abstract class MyAbstractClass { abstract public function doSomething($a, $b); } Abstract classes should be extended by a child cla...
A method defined in an interface is by default public abstract. When an abstract class implements an interface, any methods which are defined in the interface do not have to be implemented by the abstract class. This is because a class that is declared abstract can contain abstract method declaratio...
Abstract factory pattern provides a way to obtain an coherent collection of objects through a collection of factories functions. As for every pattern, coupling is reduced by abstracting the way a set of objects are created, so that the user code is unaware of the many details of the objects he needs...
Category theory is a modern mathematical theory and a branch of abstract algebra focused on the nature of connectedness and relation. It is useful for giving solid foundations and common language to many highly reusable programming abstractions. Haskell uses Category theory as inspiration for some o...
Information The ABSTRACT and FINAL additions to the METHODS and CLASS statements allow you to define abstract and final methods or classes. An abstract method is defined in an abstract class and cannot be implemented in that class. Instead, it is implemented in a subclass of the class. Abstra...
An extensible derived type may be abstract type, abstract :: base_type end type Such a derived type may never be instantiated, such as by type(base_type) t1 allocate(type(base_type) :: t2) but a polymorphic object may have this as its declared type class(base_type), allocatable :: t1 o...

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