Tutorial by Examples: al

var letters = null; char? letter = letters?[1]; Console.WriteLine("Second Letter is {0}",letter); //in the above example rather than throwing an error because letters is null //letter is assigned the value null
using st = System.Text; //allows you to access classes within this namespace such as StringBuilder //prefixing them with only the defined alias and not the full namespace. i.e: //... var sb = new st.StringBuilder(); //instead of var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
Visual Studio helps manage user and application settings. Using this approach has these benefits over using the appSettings section of the configuration file. Settings can be made strongly typed. Any type which can be serialized can be used for a settings value. Application settings can be...
var tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(n => new Task<int>(() => { Console.WriteLine("I'm task " + n); return n; })).ToArray(); foreach(var task in tasks) task.Start(); Task.WaitAll(tasks); foreach(var task in tasks) Console.WriteLine(task.Result); ...
var random = new Random(); IEnumerable<Task<int>> tasks = Enumerable.Range(1, 5).Select(n => Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine("I'm task " + n); return n; })); Task<int[]> task = Task.WhenAll(tasks); int[] results = await task; Console.WriteLine...
var actions = Enumerable.Range(1, 10).Select(n => new Action(() => { Console.WriteLine("I'm task " + n); if((n & 1) == 0) throw new Exception("Exception from task " + n); })).ToArray(); try { Parallel.Invoke(actions); } catch(AggregateExc...
Calling a static method: // Single argument System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World"); // Multiple arguments string name = "User"; System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, {0}!", name); Calling a static method and storing its return value: string input = System.Con...
6.0 As of C# 6.0, the await keyword can now be used within a catch and finally block. try { var client = new AsyncClient(); await client.DoSomething(); } catch (MyException ex) { await client.LogExceptionAsync(); throw; } finally { await client.CloseAsync(); } 5.06.0 P...
For null values: Nullable<int> i = null; Or: int? i = null; Or: var i = (int?)null; For non-null values: Nullable<int> i = 0; Or: int? i = 0;
int? i = null; if (i != null) { Console.WriteLine("i is not null"); } else { Console.WriteLine("i is null"); } Which is the same as: if (i.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine("i is not null"); } else { Console.WriteLine("i is null&quot...
Given following nullable int int? i = 10; In case default value is needed, you can assign one using null coalescing operator, GetValueOrDefault method or check if nullable int HasValue before assignment. int j = i ?? 0; int j = i.GetValueOrDefault(0); int j = i.HasValue ? i.Value : 0; The ...
Imports System Module Program Public Sub Main() Console.WriteLine("Hello World") End Sub End Module Live Demo in Action at .NET Fiddle Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
The left-hand operand must be nullable, while the right-hand operand may or may not be. The result will be typed accordingly. Non-nullable int? a = null; int b = 3; var output = a ?? b; var type = output.GetType(); Console.WriteLine($"Output Type :{type}"); Console.WriteLine($&q...
// Connect to a target server using your ConnectionMultiplexer instance IServer server = conn.GetServer("localhost", 6379); // Write out each key in the server foreach(var key in server.Keys()) { Console.WriteLine(key); }
emails.Where(email => email.From == "John")
using System; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; class DemoAssemblyBuilder { public static void Main() { // An assembly consists of one or more modules, each of which // contains zero or more types. This code creates a single-module // a...
Snippet Console.WriteLine(nameof(CompanyNamespace.MyNamespace)); Console.WriteLine(nameof(MyClass)); Console.WriteLine(nameof(MyClass.MyNestedClass)); Console.WriteLine(nameof(MyNamespace.MyClass.MyNestedClass.MyStaticProperty)); Console Output MyNamespace MyClass MyNestedClass MyStatic...
Create a property with getter and/or setter and initialize all in one line: public string Foobar { get; set; } = "xyz";
public string Foobar { get { return _foobar; } set { _foobar = value; } } private string _foobar = "xyz";

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