Tutorial by Examples: alter

Here are examples of how to use monotonic predicates instead of impure, non-monotonic constructs in your programs: dif/2 is meant to be used instead of non-monotonic constructs like (\=)/2 arithmetic constraints (CLP(FD), CLP(Q) and others) are meant to be used instead of moded arithmetic predi...
To improve performance one might want to add indexes to columns ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ADD INDEX `index_name` (`column_name`) altering to add composite (multiple column) indexes ALTER TABLE TABLE_NAME ADD INDEX `index_name` (`col1`,`col2`)
The Object.freeze() method is available since version 5.1. For older versions, you can use the following code (note that it also works in versions 5.1 and later): var ColorsEnum = { WHITE: 0, GRAY: 1, BLACK: 2 } // Define a variable with a value from the enum var currentColor = Co...
Let's say we have type ENUM('fish','mammal','bird') An alternative is type TINYINT UNSIGNED plus CREATE TABLE AnimalTypes ( type TINYINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL COMMENT "('fish','mammal','bird')", PRIMARY KEY(type), INDEX(na...
Let's say we have type ENUM('fish','mammal','bird') An alternative is type VARCHAR(20) COMENT "fish, bird, etc" This is quite open-ended in that new types are trivially added. Comparison, and whether better or worse than ENUM: (same) INSERT: simply provide the string (worse?)...
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <switch> <text systemLanguage="en-UK" x="10" y="10">UK English</text> <text systemLanguage="fr" x="10" y="10">Français</text> <text ...
The axis offsets for drawing the marker that are specified by refX and refY are applied before the rotation specified by the orient parameter. Below you can see the effects of various combinations of orient and refX, refY to illustrate this. <svg width="800px" height="600px"&...
The default for drawing markers is to use the stroke width of the calling element, but you can explicitly specify that markers be drawn using the unit system for the element the marker is being applied to by specifying markerUnits="userSpaceOnUse". Markers are drawn into a 3x3 markerUnits ...
Using Alternatives Many Linux distributions use the alternatives command for switching between different versions of a command. You can use this for switching between different versions of Java installed on a machine. In a command shell, set $JDK to the pathname of a newly installed JDK; e.g....
All libraries come with resources that are not necessary useful to your application. For example Google Play Services comes with translations for languages your own application don’t even support. You can configure the build.gradle file to specify which resource you want to keep. For example: de...
Let's create two simple tables: CREATE TABLE users (username text, email text); CREATE TABLE simple_users () INHERITS (users); Adding columns ALTER TABLE simple_users ADD COLUMN password text; simple_users ColumnTypeusernametextemailtextpasswordtext Adding the same column to the parent ta...
Alternate ways to install SymPy from conda. conda is the recommended way, but these are some alternate ways. Including: git, pip, etc.
identification division. program-id. altering. date-written. 2015-10-28/06:36-0400. remarks. Demonstrate ALTER. procedure division. main section. *> And now for some altering. contrived. ALTER story TO PROCEED TO beginning GO TO story . *> Jump to a part of the story...
<svg width="600px" height="600px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <polyline points="10,10,50,40,80,30,120,90,130,10,180,50,250,100,300,10" fill="none" stroke="red" s...
<svg width="600px" height="400px" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"> <line x1="10" y1="20" x2="300" y2="20" stroke="red" stroke-width="20"...
ALTER SCHEMA dvr TRANSFER dbo.tbl_Staging; GO This would transfer the tbl_Staging table from the dbo schema to the dvr schema
While the JavaScript tracking snippet described above ensures the script will be loaded and executed asynchronously on all browsers, it has the disadvantage of not allowing modern browsers to preload the script. The alternative async tracking snippet below adds support for preloading, which will pr...
<?php wp_enqueue_style('theme-five', get_template_directory_uri() . '/path/to/additional/css'); wp_style_add_data('theme-five', 'alt', true); wp_style_add_data('theme-five', 'title', __('theme-five.css', 'your-theme-name')); ?> wp_style_add_data
With the below commands, user's default search_path can be set. Check search path before set default schema. postgres=# \c postgres user1 You are now connected to database "postgres" as user "user1". postgres=> show search_path; search_path ---------------- &q...
Security policy is a group of predicates associated to tables that can be managed together. You can add, or remove predicates or turn on/off entire policy. You can add more predicates on tables in the existing security policy. ALTER SECURITY POLICY dbo.CompanyAccessPolicy ADD FILTER PREDICATE...

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