Tutorial by Examples: an

When we talk about the GC and the "heap", we're really talking about what's called the managed heap. Objects on the managed heap can access resources not on the managed heap, for example, when writing to or reading from a file. Unexpected behavior can occur when, a file is opened for readi...
It is possible to specify whether or not the type argument should be a reference type or a value type by using the respective constraints class or struct. If these constraints are used, they must be defined before all other constraints (for example a parent type or new()) can be listed. // TRef mus...
A method can declare any number of parameters (in this example, i, s and o are the parameters): static void DoSomething(int i, string s, object o) { Console.WriteLine(String.Format("i={0}, s={1}, o={2}", i, s, o)); } Parameters can be used to pass values into a method, so that th...
Typically lambdas are used for defining simple functions (generally in the context of a linq expression): var incremented = myEnumerable.Select(x => x + 1); Here the return is implicit. However, it is also possible to pass actions as lambdas: myObservable.Do(x => Console.WriteLine(x)); ...
For null values: Nullable<int> i = null; Or: int? i = null; Or: var i = (int?)null; For non-null values: Nullable<int> i = 0; Or: int? i = 0;
int? i = null; if (i != null) { Console.WriteLine("i is not null"); } else { Console.WriteLine("i is null"); } Which is the same as: if (i.HasValue) { Console.WriteLine("i is not null"); } else { Console.WriteLine("i is null&quot...
Given following nullable int int? i = 10; In case default value is needed, you can assign one using null coalescing operator, GetValueOrDefault method or check if nullable int HasValue before assignment. int j = i ?? 0; int j = i.GetValueOrDefault(0); int j = i.HasValue ? i.Value : 0; The ...
Declaring an Event You can declare an event on any class or struct using the following syntax: public class MyClass { // Declares the event for MyClass public event EventHandler MyEvent; // Raises the MyEvent event public void RaiseEvent() { OnMyEvent(); }...
The left-hand operand must be nullable, while the right-hand operand may or may not be. The result will be typed accordingly. Non-nullable int? a = null; int b = 3; var output = a ?? b; var type = output.GetType(); Console.WriteLine($"Output Type :{type}"); Console.WriteLine($&q...
// Connect to a target server using your ConnectionMultiplexer instance IServer server = conn.GetServer("localhost", 6379); // Write out each key in the server foreach(var key in server.Keys()) { Console.WriteLine(key); }
Select allows you to apply a transformation to every element in any data structure implementing IEnumerable. Getting the first character of each string in the following list: List<String> trees = new List<String>{ "Oak", "Birch", "Beech", "Elm", ...
emails.Where(email => email.From == "John")
Subscription returns an IDisposable: IDisposable subscription = emails.Subscribe(email => Console.WriteLine("Email from {0} to {1}", email.From, email.To)); When you are ready to unsubscribe, simply dispose the subscription: subscription.Dispose();
emails.Subscribe(email => Console.WriteLine("Email from {0} to {1}", email.From, email.To), cancellationToken);
String.Trim() string x = " Hello World! "; string y = x.Trim(); // "Hello World!" string q = "{(Hi!*"; string r = q.Trim( '(', '*', '{' ); // "Hi!" String.TrimStart() and String.TrimEnd() string q = "{(Hi*"; string r = q.TrimStart( '{...
Unlike interfaces, which can be described as contracts for implementation, abstract classes act as contracts for extension. An abstract class cannot be instantiated, it must be extended and the resulting class (or derived class) can then be instantiated. Abstract classes are used to provide generi...
The Range and Repeat static methods on Enumerable can be used to generate simple sequences. Range Enumerable.Range() generates a sequence of integers given a starting value and a count. // Generate a collection containing the numbers 1-100 ([1, 2, 3, ..., 98, 99, 100]) var range = Enumerable.Ran...
The Skip method returns a collection excluding a number of items from the beginning of the source collection. The number of items excluded is the number given as an argument. If there are less items in the collection than specified in the argument then an empty collection is returned. The Take meth...
All six methods return a single value of the sequence type, and can be called with or without a predicate. Depending on the number of elements that match the predicate or, if no predicate is supplied, the number of elements in the source sequence, they behave as follows: First() Returns the fir...

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