Tutorial by Examples: and

cat < file.txt Output is same as cat file.txt, but it reads the contents of the file from standard input instead of directly from the file. printf "first line\nSecond line\n" | cat -n The echo command before | outputs two lines. The cat command acts on the output to add line num...
Bold Text To bold text, use the <strong> or <b> tags: <strong>Bold Text Here</strong> or <b>Bold Text Here</b> What’s the difference? Semantics. <strong> is used to indicate that the text is fundamentally or semantically important to the surrounding...
To offset text either upward or downward you can use the tags <sup> and <sub>. To create superscript: <sup>superscript here</sup> To create subscript: <sub>subscript here</sub>
Local variables are defined within a function, method, or closure: func printSomething() { let localString = "I'm local!" print(localString) } func printSomethingAgain() { print(localString) // error } Global variables are defined outside of a function, method, or c...
Output buffering allows you to store any textual content (Text, HTML) in a variable and send to the browser as one piece at the end of your script. By default, php sends your content as it interprets it. <?php // Turn on output buffering ob_start(); // Print some output to the buffer (via...
A block that performs addition of two double precision numbers, assigned to variable addition: double (^addition)(double, double) = ^double(double first, double second){ return first + second; }; The block can be subsequently called like so: double result = addition(1.0, 2.0); // result =...
A module can be "imported", or otherwise "required" by the require() function. For example, to load the http module that ships with Node.js, the following can be used: const http = require('http'); Aside from modules that are shipped with the runtime, you can also require mod...
Considering the following users table: idusername1User12User23User34User45User5 In order to constrain the number of rows in the result set of a SELECT query, the LIMIT clause can be used together with one or two positive integers as arguments (zero included). LIMIT clause with one argument When ...
One use case for assertion is precondition and postcondition. This can be very useful to maintain invariant and design by contract. For a example a length is always zero or positive so this function must return a zero or positive value. #include <stdio.h> /* Uncomment to disable `assert()`...
When an exception object is created (i.e. when you new it), the Throwable constructor captures information about the context in which the exception was created. Later on, this information can be output in the form of a stacktrace, which can be used to help diagnose the problem that caused the excep...
For Android, here is the code we recommend for generating, persisting and retrieving a UUID. There is not constructor that accepts the UUID as a parameter, so you must instantiate Pubnub object first then use the setter to provide the UUID. // creating the Pubnub connection object with minimal args...
Sometimes we will need to run commands against a lot of files. This can be done using xargs. find . -type d -print | xargs -r chmod 770 The above command will recursively find all directories (-type d) relative to . (which is your current working directory), and execute chmod 770 on them. The -...
In this example we're going to look at testing webhook notifications in sandbox, using ngrok to provide a tunnel for our Node HTTP listener, running on localhost, to the internet. For this example, we're going to be using Node to set up notification webhooks for payment events (such as a payment bei...
To begin, install Node.js on your development computer. Windows: Navigate to the download page and download/run the installer. Mac: Navigate to the download page and download/run the installer. Alternatively, you can install Node via Homebrew using brew install node. Homebrew is a command-line pac...
CASE's shorthand variant evaluates an expression (usually a column) against a series of values. This variant is a bit shorter, and saves repeating the evaluated expression over and over again. The ELSE clause can still be used, though: SELECT Id, ItemId, Price, CASE Price WHEN 5 THEN 'CHEAP' ...
This example uses the Dropbox .NET library to try to get the metadata for an item at a particular path, and checks for a NotFound error: try { var metadata = await this.client.Files.GetMetadataAsync("/non-existant path"); Console.WriteLine(metadata.Name); } catch (Dropbox.Api.A...
> mysqldump -u username -p [other options] Enter password: If you need to specify the password on the command line (e.g. in a script), you can add it after the -p option without a space: > mysqldump -u username -ppassword [other options] If you password contains spaces or special chara...
In this tutorial we're going to learn how to set up the PayPal Android SDK to process a simple payment via either a PayPal payment or a credit card purchase. At the end of this example, you should have a simple button in an application that, when clicked, will forward the user to PayPal to confirm a...
When an API is marked with NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT, it will be prefixed with two underscores (__) when imported to Swift: @interface MyClass : NSObject - (NSInteger)indexOfObject:(id)obj NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT; @end The generated interface looks like this: public class MyClass : NSObject { publ...
This uses the Dropbox Python SDK to create a shared link for a file and also supplies a requested visibility and expiration in the settings: import datetime import dropbox dbx = dropbox.Dropbox("<ACCESS_TOKEN>") expires = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=30...

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