Tutorial by Examples: apple

The JSONSerialization class is built into Apple's Foundation framework. 2.2 Read JSON The JSONObjectWithData function takes NSData, and returns AnyObject. You can use as? to convert the result to your expected type. do { guard let jsonData = "[\"Hello\", \"JSON\"]&q...
These are URL schemes supported by native apps on iOS, OS X, and watchOS 2 and later. Opening link in Safari: Objective-C NSString *stringURL = @"http://stackoverflow.com/"; NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:stringURL]; [[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:url]; Swift: let s...
Open Script Editor. 2.12.4 With Mac OS X Leopard and earlier, and OS X Yosemite and later, Script Editor is located at /Applications/Utilities/Script Editor.app 2.12.4 Between Mac OS X Snow Leopard and OS X Mavericks inclusive, Script Editor is AppleScript Editor. /Applications/Utiliti...
A very simple applet draws a rectangle and prints a string something on the screen. public class MyApplet extends JApplet{ private String str = "StackOverflow"; @Override public void init() { setBackground(Color.gray); } @Override public void de...
You can use the method getAppletContext() to get an AppletContext object that allows you to request the browser to open a link. For this you use the method showDocument(). Its second parameter tells the browser to use a new window _blank or the one that shows the applet _self. public class MyLinkAp...
You can use the IFA for measuring ad clicks and the IFV for measuring app installs. IFA has built-in privacy mechanisms that make it perfect for advertising. In contrast, the IFV is for developers to use internally to measure users who install their apps. IFA ASIdentifierManager class pr...
You're not limited to single line Applescript code. Here we take the previous two examples and combine them into a single function. #!/bin/bash pageinfo() { osascript -e \ 'tell app "safari" tell the current tab of window 1 return {url & "\n" & ...
Keep in mind that this will not work on Apple devices (I didnt test them all), but if you want to make push notifications check OneSignal plugin.

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