A very simple applet draws a rectangle and prints a string something on the screen.
public class MyApplet extends JApplet{
private String str = "StackOverflow";
public void init() {
public void destroy() {}
public void start() {}
public void stop() {}
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.setFont(new Font("TimesRoman", Font.PLAIN, 48));
g.drawString(str, 10, 80);
The main class of an applet extends from javax.swing.JApplet
Before Java 1.2 and the introduction of the swing API applets had extended from java.applet.Applet
Applets don't require a main method. The entry point is controlled by the life cycle. To use them, they need to be embedded in a HTML document. This is also the point where their size is defined.
<applet code="MyApplet.class" width="400" height="200"></applet>