Tutorial by Examples: articles

The CAEmitterLayer class provides a particle emitter system for Core Animation. The particles are defined by instances of CAEmitterCell. The particles are drawn above the layer’s background color and border. var emitter = CAEmitterLayer() emitter.emitterPosition = CGPoin...
def search_news_by_entity(location,timestamp): query = """ MATCH (n)-[]->(l) where l.name='%s' and n.timestamp='%s' RETURN n.news_id limit 10 """ query = query % (location,timestamp) news_ids = [] for res in graph.cypher.e...
6 class Item { constructor(text, type) { this.text = text; this.emphasis = false; this.type = type; } toHtml() { return `<${this.type}>${this.emphasis ? '<em>' : ''}${this.text}${this.emphasis ? '</em>' : ''}</${this.type}...

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