Tutorial by Examples: aws

The String.raw tag function can be used with template literals to access a version of their contents without interpreting any backslash escape sequences. String.raw`\n` will contain a backslash and the lowercase letter n, while `\n` or '\n' would contain a single newline character instead. const p...
You have a local vagrant box that you want to upload to Amazon AWS. First, you need to create a .box file: vagrant package --base my-virtual-machine This step should take a while depending on the size of your image. Then, you need to get the .vmdk image from the .box file: gunzip -S .box packag...
Installing aws cli in Ubuntu / Debian Instance sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip sudo pip install awscli aws --version aws configure Installing aws cli using python Using pip you can install aws cli in windows, OS X and Linux sudo pip install awscli Configuring the AWS Comman...
On linux: If you don't have pip installed, install it first: curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py" sudo python get-pip.py Then install awscli: sudo pip install awscli On Windows: Download the latest installers from here
Now you have aws cli installed, you'll have to configure it access your AWS resources. You can have multiple profiles like test, dev, prod, etc profiles. So let's assume you want to configure it for your test environment. aws configure --profile=test It will ask for following information: AWS A...
The best part about aws cli is that you can embed the commands into a script and can trigger them based on some criteria. Like auto deployment on production (in Elastic Beanstalk), no need to go to AWS Console to select and deploy. You'll get all the available commands by running: # This will give...
Using some setters, without setting all needed properties in the constructor(s) public final class Person { // example of a bad immutability private final String name; private final String surname; public Person(String name) { this.name = name; } public String ge...
It's best for readability (and your sanity) to avoid escaping the escapes. That's where raw strings literals come in. (Note that some languages allow delimiters, which are preferred over strings usually. But that's another section.) They usually work the same way as this answer describes: [A] ba...
Before starting with the example I'd recommend to create a Singleton with a delegate class member so you could achieve a use case of uploading a file in the background and let the user keep using your app while the files are being uploaded even when the app is the background. Let's start, first, we...
Since lots of beginners are confused about cloud hosting.I am writing this guide to walk through setting meteor on aws with ubuntu os. If you already have your instance running feel free to skip this step and go straight to installing meteor on aws. Login into AWS Console.Select EC2. Go to EC2 Dash...
The syntax for using the aws cli is as follows: aws [options] <command> <subcommand> [parameters] Some examples using the 'ec2' command and the 'describe-instances' subcommand: aws ec2 describe-instances aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids <your-id> Example with a ...
To start drawing a shape you need to define a pen object The Pen accepts two parameters: Pen Color or Brush Pen Width The Pen Object is used to create an outline of the object you want to draw After Defining the Pen you can set specific Pen Properties Dim pens As New Pen(Color.Purple) ...
Configuring a private registry to use an AWS S3 backend is easy. The registry can do this automatically with the right configuration. Here is an example of what should be in your config.yml file: storage: s3: accesskey: AKAAAAAACCCCCCCBBBDA secretkey: rn9rjnNuX44iK+26qpM4cDEo...
Create a sample application using spring-boot from spring-boot initializer site. Import the code in your local IDE and run the goal as clean install spring-boot:run -e Go to target folder and check for the jar file. Open your Amazon account or create a new Amazon Account and selec...
The following utility can be used for auto-completion of commands: $ which aws_completer /usr/bin/aws_completer $ complete -C '/usr/bin/aws_completer' aws For future shell sessions, consider add this to your ~/.bashrc $ echo "complete -C '/usr/bin/aws_completer' aws" >> ~/.b...
An AWS-Lambda function can be attached to a certain bucket event. Whenever a file/folder is created or removed, an event can trigger lambda function execution. A simple Lambda function to print the name of an uploaded File This is a one class lambda project to print the name of an uploaded file. ...
You can use the raw interpolator if you want a String to be printed as is and without any escaping of literals. println(raw"Hello World In English And French\nEnglish:\tHello World\nFrench:\t\tBonjour Le Monde") With the use of the raw interpolator, you should see the following printed in the ...
Atlassian SourceTree is a visual tool for Mac and Windows to manage source code repositories. This can be used with Codecommit as a remote repository but need to add an extra configuration option to the local repository in SourceTree to be able to connect with codecommit. First, setup Codecommit fo...
Setup Install AWS CLI AWS CLI is an common CLI tool for managing the AWS resources. With this single tool we can manage all the aws resources sudo apt-get install -y python-dev python-pip sudo pip install awscli aws --version aws configure Bash one-liners cat <file> # output a file ...
List of commonly used S3 AWS CLI Commands Create Bucket aws s3 mb s3://bucket-name Remove Bucket aws s3 rb s3://bucket-name List Buckets aws s3 ls List contents inside the bucket aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name List Bucket with a path aws s3 ls s3://bucket-name/path Copy file aws s3...

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