Tutorial by Examples: backend

Django's default authentication works on username and password fields. Email authentication backend will authenticate users based on email and password. from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model class EmailBackend(object): """ Custom Email Backend to perform authent...
So you've uploaded your files to a folder say /backend/web/uploads/ and you want these uploads to be visible on the frontend too. The easiest option is to create a symlink in the frontend that links to the backend: ln -s /path/to/backend/web/uploads/ /path/to/frontend/web/uploads In your views y...
Odoo v8.0 way is to add corresponding record in the XML file: ​Add XML file to the manifest (i.e. __openerp__.py file.): ... 'data' : [ 'your_file.xml' ], ​... Then add following record in 'your_file.xml': <openerp> <data> <template id="...
Add following record in 'your_file.xml': <openerp> <data> <template id="assets_common" name="your_module_name assets" inherit_id="web.assets_common"> <xpath expr="." position="inside"> <link rel...
Redis configuration: Install redis (2.4+ required) Install phpredis Install the Magento extension Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis (only for Magento 1.7 and below) Edit your app/etc/local.xml: <global> ... <cache> <backend>Cm_Cache_Backend_Redis</backend> <b...
[footag foo="value of 1" attribute-2="value of 2"] In wordpress admin we use pre defined shortcodes by writing the shortcode name inside square brackets and optionally adding attributes to it separating by space.
Configuring a private registry to use an AWS S3 backend is easy. The registry can do this automatically with the right configuration. Here is an example of what should be in your config.yml file: storage: s3: accesskey: AKAAAAAACCCCCCCBBBDA secretkey: rn9rjnNuX44iK+26qpM4cDEo...
function calculatorService() { const service = {}; service.add = function(a,b) { return a + b } return service; } angular.module('app').factory('calculatorService', calculatorService); Testing describe('calculator service', function() { var calcula...
Frontend Interface /** * Entity attribute frontend interface * * Frontend is providing the user interface for the attribute * */ interface Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Frontend_Interface { } Source Interface /** * Entity attribute select source interface * * Source is providing ...
Firebase provides backend as a service, as applciation developer you do not have an option to have backend code. This example shows how using firebase queue, create backend which will operate on the top of firebase database and serve as a backend for your frontend application. Before getting into ...
We will create a simple "Hello World!" app with Angular2 2.4.1 (@NgModule change) with a node.js (expressjs) backend. Prerequisites Node.js v4.x.x or higher npm v3.x.x or higher or yarn Then run npm install -g typescript or yarn global add typescriptto install typescript globally ...
There are a number of metrics describing the communication between Varnish and it's backends. The most important metrics here might be these: backend_busy - Number of http 5xx statuses recieved by a backend. With VCL you can configure Varnish to try another backend if this happens. backend_fail...
<cfcomponent displayname="myAPI" output="false"> <cffunction name="init" access="public" output="no"> <!--- do some basic stuff ---> <cfreturn this> </cffunction> <cffunction name=&q...

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