Tutorial by Examples: bind

Gradle (Module:app) Configuration android { .... dataBinding { enabled = true } } Data model public class Item { public String name; public String description; public Item(String name, String description) { this.name = name; this.descr...
If your model has private methods, the databinding library still allows you to access them in your view without using the full name of the method. Data model public class Item { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } } Layout XML <?xml versi...
5.1 When you take a reference to a method (a property which is a function) in JavaScript, it usually doesn't remember the object it was originally attached to. If the method needs to refer to that object as this it won't be able to, and calling it will probably cause a crash. You can use the .bind...
Optionals must be unwrapped before they can be used in most expressions. if let is an optional binding, which succeeds if the optional value was not nil: let num: Int? = 10 // or: let num: Int? = nil if let unwrappedNum = num { // num has type Int?; unwrappedNum has type Int print(&quo...
docker run -p "8080:8080" myApp docker run -p "" nginx docker run -P myApp In order to use ports on the host have been exposed in an image (via the EXPOSE Dockerfile directive, or --expose command line option for docker run), those ports need to be bound to...
C++17 C++17 introduces structured bindings, which makes it even easier to deal with multiple return types, as you do not need to rely upon std::tie() or do any manual tuple unpacking: std::map<std::string, int> m; // insert an element into the map and check if insertion succeeded auto [i...
It is possible to bind values to names using @: struct Badger { pub age: u8 } fn main() { // Let's create a Badger instances let badger_john = Badger { age: 8 }; // Now try to find out what John's favourite activity is, based on his age match badger_john.age { ...
Given some default routing such as {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?} if you had the url https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1558902 This would go to the QuestionsController and the value 1558902 would be mapped to an id parameter of an index action, i.e. public ActionResult Index(int? id){ ...
To extend on the route binding say you had a url like https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1558902?sort=desc and routing like {controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?} public ActionResult Index(int? id, string sort){ //sort would bind to the value in the query string, i.e. "desc" } ...
Often you'd be working with viewmodel classes in asp.net-mvc and would want to bind to properties on these. This works similar to mapping to individual parameters. Say you had a simple view model call PostViewModel like this public class PostViewModel{ public int Id {get;set;} public int Sn...
These are form values that go in the HTTP request using the POST method. (including jQuery POST requests). Say you did an ajax post like $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: window.updatePost, data: { id: 21, title: 'snappy title' }, //kept short for clarity }); Here the two values...
Create a class which extends Service class and in overridden method onBind return your local binder instance: public class LocalService extends Service { // Binder given to clients private final IBinder mBinder = new LocalBinder(); /** * Class used for the client Binder. Bec...
A namespace is a URI, but to avoid verbosity, prefixes are used as a proxy. In the following example, the prefix my-prefix is bound to the namespace http://www.example.com/my-namespace by using the special attribute xmlns:my-prefix (my-prefix can be replaced with any other prefix): <?xml versio...
There are two ways you can bind a GridView. You can either manually do it by setting the DataSource property and calling DataBind(), or you can use a DataSourceControl such as a SqlDataSource. Manual Binding Create your GridView: <asp:GridView ID="gvColors" runat="server"&g...
In PHP 5.3+ and above you can utilize late static binding to control which class a static property or method is called from. It was added to overcome the problem inherent with the self:: scope resolutor. Take the following code class Horse { public static function whatToSay() { echo ...
Data Model public class Item { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name){ this.name = name; } } Layout XML <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <layout xmlns:an...
In a Service Provider register method we can bind an interface to an implementation: public function register() { App::bind( UserRepositoryInterface::class, EloquentUserRepository::class ); } From now on, everytime the app will need an instance of UserRepositoryInterface, Larave...
We can use the Service Container as a Registry by binding an instance of an object in it and get it back when we'll need it: // Create an instance. $john = new User('John'); // Bind it to the service container. App::instance('the-user', $john); // ...somewhere and/or in another class... ...
We can bind a class as a Singleton: public function register() { App::singleton('my-database', function() { return new Database(); }); } This way, the first time an instance of 'my-database' will be requested to the service container, a new instance will be created. Al...
A namespace binding (special xmlns or xmlns:... attribute) is in scope for all the descendants of the enclosing element, including this element. <?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <my:element xmlns:my="http://www.example.com/ns1"> <!-- here, the prefix my...

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