Tutorial by Examples: char

A common task is to convert all columns of a data.frame to character class for ease of manipulation, such as in the cases of sending data.frames to a RDBMS or merging data.frames containing factors where levels may differ between input data.frames. The best time to do this is when the data is read ...
char literals are defined by wrapping the value with single-quotes ': char c = 'h'; Character literals may contain escape sequences. See String Escape Sequences A character literal must be exactly one character long (after all escape sequences have been evaluated). Empty character literals are ...
Describes ranges of symbols You can enumerate symbols explicitly /[abc]/ # 'a' or 'b' or 'c' Or use ranges /[a-z]/ # from 'a' to 'z' It is possible to combine ranges and single symbols /[a-cz]/ # 'a' or 'b' or 'c' or 'z' Leading dash (-) is treated as charachter /[-a-c]/ # '-' or 'a' o...
Following statement matches all records having FName that starts with a letter from A to F from Employees Table. SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE FName LIKE '[A-F]%'
Highchart by default puts a credits label in the lower right corner of the chart. This can be removed using credits option in your chart settings. credits: { enabled: false } Or credits: false will remove the highcharts.com logo.
1. Character Class Character class is denoted by []. Content inside a character class is treated as single character separately. e.g. suppose we use [12345] In the example above, it means match 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 . In simple words, it can be understood as or condition for single characters (...
This is useful to see if there are any non-printable characters, or non-ASCII characters. e.g. If you have copy-pasted the code from web, you may have quotes like ” instead of standard ". $ cat -v file.txt $ cat -vE file.txt # Useful in detecting trailing spaces. e.g. $ echo '” ' | c...
// Get the battery API navigator.getBattery().then(function(battery) { if (battery.charging) { console.log("Battery is charging"); } else { console.log("Battery is discharging"); } });
// Get the battery API navigator.getBattery().then(function(battery) { console.log( "Battery will get fully charged in ", battery.chargingTime, " seconds" ); });
VBA syntax requires that a string-literal appear within " marks, so when your string needs to contain quotation marks, you'll need to escape/prepend the " character with an extra " so that VBA understands that you intend the "" to be interpreted as a " string. 'The fol...
VBA offers a Mid function for returning substrings within a string, but it also offers the Mid Statement which can be used to assign substrings or individual characters withing a string. The Mid function will typically appear on the right-hand-side of an assignment statement or in a condition, but ...
'Declare an array of bytes, assign single-byte character codes, and convert to a string Dim singleByteChars(4) As Byte singleByteChars(0) = 72 singleByteChars(1) = 101 singleByteChars(2) = 108 singleByteChars(3) = 108 singleByteChars(4) = 111 Dim stringFromSingleByteChars As String stringFro...
'Declare an array of bytes, assign multi-byte character codes, and convert to a string Dim multiByteChars(9) As Byte multiByteChars(0) = 87 multiByteChars(1) = 0 multiByteChars(2) = 111 multiByteChars(3) = 0 multiByteChars(4) = 114 multiByteChars(5) = 0 multiByteChars(6) = 108 multiByteChar...
Const baseString As String = "Foo Bar" Dim leftText As String leftText = Left$(baseString, 3) 'leftText = "Foo"
Const baseString As String = "Foo Bar" Dim rightText As String rightText = Right$(baseString, 3) 'rightText = "Bar"
Const baseString As String = "Foo Bar" 'Get the string starting at character 2 and ending at character 6 Dim midText As String midText = Mid$(baseString, 2, 5) 'midText = "oo Ba"
Converting between encodings is easy with C++11 and most compilers are able to deal with it in a cross-platform manner through <codecvt> and <locale> headers. #include <iostream> #include <codecvt> #include <locale> #include <string> using namespace std; i...
The contents of files and network messages may represent encoded characters. They often need to be converted to unicode for proper display. In Python 2, you may need to convert str data to Unicode characters. The default ('', "", etc.) is an ASCII string, with any values outside of ASCII ...
Const baseString As String = "Hello World" Dim charLength As Long charLength = Len(baseString) 'charlength = 11
Dim lineOfHyphens As String 'Assign a string with 80 repeated hyphens lineOfHyphens = String$(80, "-")

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