Tutorial by Examples: client

public void OpenXmppConnection(int port, bool useSsl, string serverJid, string userName, string password) { try { _xmppClientConnection.AutoResolveConnectServer = true; _xmppClientConnection.Port = port; _xmppClien...
No Mutual SSL In this example, we might use the CA File (ca.pem) that you generated during the "How to configure a ReplicaSet to support TLS/SSL?" section. We will assume that the CA file is located in your current folder. We will assume that your 3 nodes are running on mongo1:27017, mon...
Server Side example Create Listener for server Start of with creating an server that will handle clients that connect, and requests that will be send. So create an Listener Class that will handle this. class Listener { public Socket ListenerSocket; //This is the socket that will listen ...
To create a TCP connection in Qt, we will use QTcpSocket. First, we need to connect with connectToHost. So for example, to connect to a local tcp serveur: _socket.connectToHost(QHostAddress(""), 4242); Then, if we need to read datas from the server, we need to connect the signal...
This is project directory. A service endpoint interface First we will create a service endpoint interface. The javax.jws.WebService @WebService annotation defines the class as a web service endpoint. import javax.jws.WebMethod; import javax.jws.WebService; import javax.jws.soap.SOAPBi...
There is a limitation in Acumatica's SOAP Contract-Based API allowing to download attachments only for a top-level entity. Any attempt to use the GetFiles() method to get the attachments of a detail entity will, unfortunately, result in the error "Entity without screen binding cannot be used as...
This code example creates a UDP client then sends "Hello World" across the network to the intended recipient. A listener does not have to be active, as UDP Is connectionless and will broadcast the message regardless. Once the message is sent, the clients work is done. byte[] data = Enco...
Let's try to look at the differences between client and cluster mode of Spark. Client: When running Spark in the client mode, the SparkContext and Driver program run external to the cluster; for example, from your laptop. Local mode is only for the case when you do not want to use a cluster and in...
Handy method to initialise SolrJ client based on configuration properties; private void initSolrClient() { if (conf.kerberos().isEnabled()) { System.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", conf.kerberos().confPath()); HttpClientUtil.addConfigurer(new Krb5Http...
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpEvent, HttpHandler, HttpInterceptor, HttpRequest } from '@angular/common/http'; import { UserService } from '../services/user.service'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; @Injectable() export class AuthHeaderInterceptor imple...

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