Tutorial by Examples: comment

Coments "Comments are enclosed in double quotes. BEWARE: This is NOT a string!" "They can span multiple lines." Strings 'Strings are enclosed in sigle quotes.' 'Single quotes are escaped with a single quote, like this: ''.' '''' "<--This string contains one sin...
When a module is using at expressions, such as: #lang at-exp racket/base or #lang scribble/manual You have access to the following types of comments: @;{Block text that goes until the closing brace.} As well as: @; Single line text. Note that if you are using a language that ...
CREATE TABLE menagerie.bird ( bird_id INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, species VARCHAR(300) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'You can include genus, but never subspecies.', INDEX idx_species (species) COMMENT 'We must search on species often.', PRIMARY KEY (bird_id) ) ENGINE=InnoDB COMMENT 'Thi...
A comment is a way to put arbitrary text inside source code without having the C++ compiler interpret it with any functional meaning. Comments are used to give insight into the design or method of a program. There are two types of comments in C++: Single-Line Comments The double forward-slash seq...
To comment on the same line as the code you can use &:: or &rem. You can also use && or || to replace &. Example : @echo off echo This is a test &::This is a comment echo This is another test &rem This is another comment pause A curiosity: SET command allows limit...
A tsconfig.json file can contain both line and block comments, using the same rules as ECMAScript. //Leading comment { "compilerOptions": { //this is a line comment "module": "commonjs", //eol line comment "target" /*inline bl...
'use strict'; import React, {Component} from 'react'; import ReactNative from 'react-native'; const { AppRegistry, StyleSheet, Text, View, Navigator, Alert, TouchableHighlight } = ReactNative; //This is the app container that contains the navigator stuff class AppC...
During a review, user has the possibility to add comments to explain his point of view. There is several kind of comments Comment a file : The yellow symbol allow user to add comment on entire file Line comment : Click the line number to comment it Word selection : The last option i...
Single-line comments begin with a pound sign # and go to the end of the line: # This is a comment my $foo = "bar"; # This is also a comment
Multi-line comments start with = and with the =cut statement. These are special comments called POD (Plain Old Documentation). Any text between the markers will be commented out: =begin comment This is another comment. And it spans multiple lines! =end comment =cut
The single line comment begins with "//" or "#". When encountered, all text to the right will be ignored by the PHP interpreter. // This is a comment # This is also a comment echo "Hello World!"; // This is also a comment, beginning where we see "//" ...
The multi-line comment can be used to comment out large blocks of code. It begins with /* and ends with */. /* This is a multi-line comment. It spans multiple lines. This is still part of the comment. */
(************************************************* * All comments in SML are block comments * Block Comments begin with '(*' * Block Comments end with '*)' * (* Block Comments can be nested *) * The additional framing asterisks at the beginning * and end of this block comment are common ...
(* The block comment syntax allows nested comments (* whether or not this is a good thing is probably a matter of personal opinion (*or coding standards*)*)*) val _ = print "Nested comment example\n" (* line ending block comment *)
Data sets often contain comments that explain the data format or contain the license and usage terms. You usually want to ignore these lines when you read in the DataFrame. The readtable function assumes that comment lines begin with the '#' character. However, your file may use comment marks like ...
XML documentation comments can be used to provide API documentation that can be easily processed by tools: /// <summary> /// A helper class for validating method arguments. /// </summary> public static class Precondition { /// <summary> /// Throws an <see cref...
Go to the repository, e.g.: https://bitbucket.org/username/repo_name/ On the left menu, choose commits Select the commit you want to add comments to On the selected files related to that commit, click on the small + sign appearing near the line numbers A small window will appear to enter the ...
You must to add to web.xml a configuration tag like this: <context-param> <param-name>facelets.SKIP_COMMENTS</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </context-param> Now you can use normal HTML comments tag <!-- and --> <!-- <...
COMMENT ON TABLE table_name IS 'this is student details table';
COMMENT on TABLE student IS NULL; Comment will be removed with above statement execution.

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