Tutorial by Examples: comp

Assuming a single source file named main.cpp, the command to compile and link an non-optimized executable is as follows (Compiling without optimization is useful for initial development and debugging, although -Og is officially recommended for newer GCC versions). g++ -o app -Wall main.cpp -O0 T...
Check whether a string is empty: if str.isEmpty { // do something if the string is empty } // If the string is empty, replace it with a fallback: let result = str.isEmpty ? "fallback string" : str Check whether two strings are equal (in the sense of Unicode canonical equivale...
A Swift String is made of Unicode code points. It can be decomposed and encoded in several different ways. let str = "ที่👌①!" Decomposing Strings A string's characters are Unicode extended grapheme clusters: Array(str.characters) // ["ที่", "👌", "①", ...
Composer generates a vendor/autoload.php file. You might simply include this file and you will get autoloading for free. require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; This makes working with third-party dependencies very easy. You can also add your own code to the Autoloader by adding an autoload ...
A common pitfall is confusing the equality comparison operators is and ==. a == b compares the value of a and b. a is b will compare the identities of a and b. To illustrate: a = 'Python is fun!' b = 'Python is fun!' a == b # returns True a is b # returns False a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b = a ...
Different from stored properties, computed properties are built with a getter and a setter, performing necessary code when accessed and set. Computed properties must define a type: var pi = 3.14 class Circle { var radius = 0.0 var circumference: Double { get { ret...
In order to compare the equality of custom classes, you can override == and != by defining __eq__ and __ne__ methods. You can also override __lt__ (<), __le__ (<=), __gt__ (>), and __ge__ (>). Note that you only need to override two comparison methods, and Python can handle the rest (== ...
You can overload all comparison operators: == and != > and < >= and <= The recommended way to overload all those operators is by implementing only 2 operators (== and <) and then using those to define the rest. Scroll down for explanation Overloading outside of class/struct: ...
Tuples can be decomposed into individual variables with the following syntax: let myTuple = (name: "Some Name", age: 26) let (first, second) = myTuple print(first) // "Some Name" print(second) // 26 This syntax can be used regardless of if the tuple has unnamed properti...
The strcase*-functions are not Standard C, but a POSIX extension. The strcmp function lexicographically compare two null-terminated character arrays. The functions return a negative value if the first argument appears before the second in lexicographical order, zero if they compare equal, or positi...
Use putAll to put every member of one map into another. Keys already present in the map will have their corresponding values overwritten. Map<String, Integer> numbers = new HashMap<>(); numbers.put("One", 1) numbers.put("Three", 3) Map<String, Integer> othe...
This demonstrates a filter on a for-loop, and the use of yield to create a 'sequence comprehension': for ( x <- 1 to 10 if x % 2 == 0) yield x The output for this is: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] = Vector(2, 4, 6, 8, 10) A for comprehension is useful when you need to crea...
SQL TermsMongoDB TermsDatabaseDatabaseTableCollectionEntity / RowDocumentColumnKey / FieldTable JoinEmbedded DocumentsPrimary KeyPrimary Key (Default key _id provided by mongodb itself)
// Java: int total = employees.stream() .collect(Collectors.summingInt(Employee::getSalary))); // Kotlin: val total = employees.sumBy { it.salary }
// Java: Map<Department, Integer> totalByDept = employees.stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Employee::getDepartment, Collectors.summingInt(Employee::getSalary))); // Kotlin: val totalByDept = employees.groupBy { it.dept }.mapValues { it.v...
if [[ $file1 -ef $file2 ]]; then echo "$file1 and $file2 are the same file" fi “Same file” means that modifying one of the files in place affects the other. Two files can be the same even if they have different names, for example if they are hard links, or if they are symbolic links...
Numerical comparisons use the -eq operators and friends if [[ $num1 -eq $num2 ]]; then echo "$num1 == $num2" fi if [[ $num1 -le $num2 ]]; then echo "$num1 <= $num2" fi There are six numeric operators: -eq equal -ne not equal -le less or equal -lt less than ...
String comparison uses the == operator between quoted strings. The != operator negates the comparison. if [[ "$string1" == "$string2" ]]; then echo "\$string1 and \$string2 are identical" fi if [[ "$string1" != "$string2" ]]; then echo &quot...
import re precompiled_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d+)") matches = precompiled_pattern.search("The answer is 41!") matches.group(1) # Out: 41 matches = precompiled_pattern.search("Or was it 42?") matches.group(1) # Out: 42 Compiling a pattern allows it to be r...
In a normal string, the backslash character is the escape character, which instructs the compiler to look at the next character(s) to determine the actual character in the string. (Full list of character escapes) In verbatim strings, there are no character escapes (except for "" which is ...

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