Tutorial by Examples: configuration

Constructor injection through Java configuration can also utilize autowiring, such as: @Configuration class AppConfig { @Bean public Bar bar() { return new Bar(); } @Bean public Foo foo(Bar bar) { return new Foo(bar); } }
Git config allows you to customize how git works. It is commonly used to set your name and email or favorite editor or how merges should be done. To see the current configuration. $ git config --list ... core.editor=vim credential.helper=osxkeychain ... To edit the config: $ git config &lt...
This is a porting of set up sourced from DigitalOcean's tutorial of How To Serve Flask Applications with uWSGI and Nginx on Ubuntu 14.04 and some useful git resources for nginx servers. Flask Application This tutorial assume you use Ubuntu. locate var/www/ folder. Create your web app folder m...
@Configuration @EnableAsync public class ApplicationConfiguration{ @Bean public TaskExecutor getAsyncExecutor() { ThreadPoolTaskExecutor executor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor(); executor.setCorePoolSize(2); executor.setThreadNamePrefix("executor-task...
XML Example The below configuration configures two appenders (log output). The first logs to standard system output (console) and the other logs to file. In this example, the location of the file can be set statically in configuration (appender file) or dynamically via maven filtering feature (<...
In mysqld.cnf or equivalent: [mysql] prompt = '\u@\h [\d]> ' This achieves a similar effect, without having to deal with .bashrc's.
If you are behind a proxy and need to connect to the internet, you can use: export http_proxy="http://username:password@host:port/" For configuring the proxy inside apt-get: cd /etc/apt/apt.conf.d Create a file named 10proxy: sudo nano 10proxy Without authentication add the fol...
When adding custom fields to a Lucene index you can add new fields into the index using the following configuration: <configuration ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/defaultLuceneIndexConfiguration"> <indexAllfields>false</indexAllfields> <fieldNames hint=...
This is a bare minimum setup for MySQL servers using InnoDB tables. Using InnoDB, query cache is not required. Reclaim disk space when a table or database is DROPed. If you're using SSDs, flushing is a redundant operation (SDDs are not sequential). default_storage_engine = InnoDB query_cache_type ...
This tslint.json example contains a set of configuration to enforce more typings, catch common errors or otherwise confusing constructs that are prone to producing bugs and following more the Coding Guidelines for TypeScript Contributors. To enforce this rules, include tslint in your build process ...
In Vim, your configuration file is ~/.vimrc, with further configuration files in ~/.vim. In Neovim, configuration files are located in ~/.config/nvim. There is also no ~/.nvimrc file. Instead, use ~/.config/nvim/init.vim. You can import your Vim configuration directly into Neovim using this Unix c...
The recommended approach would be to avoid doing so and rather use IOptions<TOptions> and IServiceCollection.Configure<TOptions>. That said, this is still pretty straightforward to make IConfigurationRootavailable application wide. In the Startup.cs constructor you should have the foll...
The simplest and cleanest way to add an external configuration is through a separate Gradle file build.gradle apply from: './keystore.gradle' android{ signingConfigs { release { storeFile file(keystore.storeFile) storePassword keystore.storePassword ...
Adding the aurelia-configuration to a cli application sometimes produces a build error. This is caused by a missing dependency so we simply add the dependency to the build bundle. Try the following: npm install deep-extend --save npm install aurelia-configuration --save Now add the followi...
bitcoin.conf The bitcoin.conf file allows customization for your node. Create a new file in a text-editor and save it as bitcoin.conf in your /bitcoin directory. Location of your /bitcoin directory depends on your operation system. Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\...
In the official reference document, it says: The main function of an inbound Channel Adapter is to execute a SQL SELECT query and turn the result set as a message. The message payload is the whole result set, expressed as a List, and the types of the items in the list depend on the row-mapping st...
In the Spring Integration Reference Docuement, it says: The outbound Channel Adapter is the inverse of the inbound: its role is to handle a message and use it to execute a SQL query. The message payload and headers are available by default as input parameters to the query... Java code p...
amazingservice: url: 'http://amazing.com' client_id: 'test_client_1' client_secret: 'test_secret' This is a basic example for create configuration in yml format, for following the yml format you can take deeper configuration.
The phpunit.xml file is the default configuration file for tests and is already setup for testing with PHPUnit. The default testing environment APP_ENV is defined as testing with array being the cache driver CACHE_DRIVER. With this setup, no data (session/cache) will be retained while testing. T...

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